Flying and Sailing


Filing Flight Plan
Dec 12, 2015
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Hello, I am new to this forum. Is anyone interested in trading some flying lessons in exchange for crewing on an offshore sailing passage? The two hobbies cross over very much and I think it's easy for sailors and pilots to learn from each other. I mostly sail out of NE USA and down to the Caribbean. Trans-Atlantic passages are also an option!

Which way are you trying to trade? You want to give flying lessons to someone who will crew for you, or you want to crew for someone to give you flying lessons?
Hello, I am new to this forum. Is anyone interested in trading some flying lessons in exchange for crewing on an offshore sailing passage? The two hobbies cross over very much and I think it's easy for sailors and pilots to learn from each other. I mostly sail out of NE USA and down to the Caribbean. Trans-Atlantic passages are also an option!


Two things:

1. The expensive part of flight training is the cost of the aircraft, not the instructional fees. I can see someone doing a training trade, but a CFI isn't going to float the cost of the aircraft.

2. If I'm crewing on your boat, I expect to get paid for it. (That was my Summer job for a couple of seasons during High School.)