Flying after COVID

Ed Haywood

Jul 12, 2020
Tampa FL
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Big Ed
Just got done with COVID. Got lucky and had a relatively mild case; fever and cough for about 3 days, then lingering symptoms comparable to a head cold for another week or so. Still have a cough at the 4 week mark, along with weird symptoms such as loss of taste, etc. Several family members had fever for 12-14 days straight, and some progressed to mild pneumonia. It is not something to take lightly, and not something you want to get. Get the vaccine instead, trust me.

About a week after I recovered, I went flying. Big mistake. Ever flown and you were totally not switched on? My brain was barely working. Only time I have EVER felt like I was behind my airplane and couldn't catch up. Took about 5 turns in the pattern and then called it quits.

After I landed, I felt dizzy and had a headache. Later realized I had pressure and fluid in my inner ears.

About 2 weeks later, I flew again, and flew much more confidently. But afterwards I did have pressure in my ears and head again.

Anyone else flown soon after recovery from COVID? Similar experiences?
I was flying the day I got the call some one in the family had tested positive for covid. I recall feeling light headed that day, but no other symptoms. Two days later started running fever and had a positive test. I was sick for about 14 days with fever and mild pneumonia. I have a pulse ox and my lowest reading was a 91. Spent a day in the hospital X-Rays showed the mild pneumonia, they kept me for observation for the day then sent me home with instruction if I got worse to come back. That was about day 10. The hospital's at the time were overflowing around here. Broke fever and started feeling better about day 14, but very tired and had the covid brain. About three weeks later went to renew my class 3. I told AME that I had recovered from COVID and he said I was the safest patient to see. Passed class 3 and went flying the next day. I do not want to go thru that again. Waiting for the vaccine but not getting it until later as I have some natural immunity now.
I was sick for about 14 days with fever and mild pneumonia. I have a pulse ox and my lowest reading was a 91. Spent a day in the hospital X-Rays showed the mild pneumonia, they kept me for observation for the day then sent me home with instruction if I got worse to come back. That was about day 10. The hospital's at the time were overflowing around here. Broke fever and started feeling better about day 14, but very tired and had the covid brain.
Your experience was very similar to my wife, sister, and mother. All had fever for about 2 weeks. None were hospitalized but mom got antibody treatment, which made a huge difference for her.

I had the COVID brain for about a week, but that cleared up. It degraded my pilot skills the first time I flew, but not the most recent time.

I lost my sense of taste about a week after fever broke. Hasn't come back yet. That part sucks.

Nasty bug, even if you are healthy and strong. Get the vaccine.
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