Fly Boys movie fun


Cleared for Takeoff
Jul 7, 2006
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For Father's Day, the kids bought the DVD for Fly Boys. I watched it last night.
I thought it was pretty good. After hearing bad comments about the movie, my expectations were pretty low.
What usually kills war movies is the need for the romance. But this movie kept the "romance" part close to the airplanes.
I did not mind the computer animation. For most kids, the images of the WWI conflict do not exist. This conflict in trenches should not be forgotten.
Those who support war would like people to forget how horrible that it is. These vivid images remind us that "war, huh,...what is it good for? Absolutely nuttin!"
Spin zone maybe?

To clarify: Maybe I should start a thread called "Cherry pie is delicious" and have the body say:

"I really like cherry pie. It tastes so good. Adding whipped cream makes it even better. The taste of cherry pie reminds me of the issues involving the fraudulent 2000 election."
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To avoid this going into the spin zone... I'm going to comment on the movie itself...

I really enjoyed the movie as well. There was a bit of a romantic side-story, but it didn't take over the movie like some others (cough cough, pearl harbor, cough). I enjoyed the flying scenes and the classic dogfighting... the pistol shot, while unrealistic, was pretty cool too.

One word of warning, though... don't read the book "Flyboys" and think it has anything to do with the movie... they are two completely different (but both fantastic) stories. The movie is about the Lafayette Escadrille - American pilots who went to fly for France before the US got involved in WWI. The book is about US Naval Aviators in the Pacific theater in WWII.
Ironically, I was thinking that Fly Boys 2 could be a illustration of the Pacific Theatre in World War II.
Purists are offended by computer simulations of aircraft, but I think the depictions of the experiences of veterans would be fascinating. Lest we forget...