Flightstar at KCMI


Taxi to Parking
Jul 19, 2005
Variable, but somewhere on earth
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Last week I needed to be in Champaign, IL for a few days. I decided this trip to fly down instead of driving and hunting for parking. I had flown into KCMI a few times before. The last time was December of 2008 when I was returning from Florida. That was when the temps were below zero Fahrenheit, winds were gusting up to 40knots and I landed, tossed the keys to the ramp guys and ran inside. That too was Flighstar and they took good care of my plane.

For this trip I figured I would use them again. I called about keeping my plane in a hangar and was told that would be $60/night. WOW! with the weather being good for this trip I really did not want to spend that money so I opted for a tie down. Upon landing I was met by the line guy who took care of everything for me. The people behind the counter were worried about getting me a ride to my hotel, but I wanted to use the bus. I get free bus service as a student at U of I so I figured I might as well use it once before I finish this degree. I let the front desk I would be leaving early on Sunday.

When I came back that Sunday morning they had my plane all ready to go and right outside the front door. I did not need any fuel. For the tie down, handling and use of their FBO they charged me the princely sum of $10.

Nice to see a Class C airport FBO treat FLIBs nice and not gouge them like I have seen other FBOs at bigger airports do.

Thanks FlightStar! You'll get my business again.