First Woman airline pilot <g>

"Really a girl pilot, imagine that, and on my plane too"

Hard to believe that was only a few years ago!!

Next them girls will want to be doctors and lawyers too. Then, by god they might just want to be treated as equals, it is the end of the world I tell ya. ;) ;)

You know we have a come a long way when we have a woman running for President and the biggest criticism about her is not that she is a woman. People hate or like her for other reasons.
Anyone remember the complaints from a male/female crews when it came holding throttle levers in place? Of course, they from the female side.
Sometimes when talking among pilots, we ask each other when they decided to become a pilot. When I hear, "Have you always wanted to be a pilot?" and I respond, "No, women couldn't be pilots, so it never occurred to me to want to be one," young pilots don't have any idea what I'm talking about.

In my youth, I did aspire to be an aviation mechanic until I learned that occupation was also denied to women.
If you haven't read it yet, "The World At My Feet" by one of the first female airline pilots is an excellent read.
Wow Dave that was a riot. Thanks for sharing it. I might say that flight attendants have changed a bit as well.
I remember that back when it was done (unless I was watching re-runs which were very common on one of the four channels which received way back when)!! It was funny back then. Not the first woman thing as much as folks' reaction to it.

Puts things in perspective; that was very unusual at the time!!

