First class after lumbar microdiscectomy surgery


Filing Flight Plan
Aug 2, 2023
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Well, it looks like I have a massive herniated disc and will require surgery. Anyone been through this and have any issues with renewal of their first class medical?

All I know is getting older is no fun! Enjoy your youth everyone, the littlest of things catch up with you as you age.
I've had a microdiscectomy (L5/S1 level) about 15 years ago. Took hydrocodone for 36hrs post op. It was a non-issue on my medical but I am only class 3. I could not imagine an issue with class I either. My only regret is that I did not get it done years earlier.;)
I have had a number of patients who I performed procedures from micro disc's to multilevel fusions both lumbar and cervical who had no problems keeping their first class medical back. It did require me working with their AME but it was doable. I would make.sure your AME and surgeon are aware of your goals and are willing to assist you. Good luck.
Thanks for the info everyone. I’ll reach out to my AME and make sure everyone is on the same page. My surgeon seems to think I’ll be back to normal in no time, so I’m hopeful.

Thanks again
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