First Aerobatics report


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
Thanks to our own Diana, I had the wonderful experience of seeing the world from a different perspective over the hills and lakes of beautiful NW Arkansas yesterday afternoon.
The world rolled past all the windows, the sky swapped places with the earth, the green fields and forests swirled in front of me....and I emerged not just unscathed but....somehow lifted up, elated this joy which Diana has studied and learned so well.
Thanks, Diana. You have a gentle, patient way of explaining and preparing...I guess the biggest proof that you do it well is: I can't wait to go again!
Good show Dave! Many years ago, I had the honor of flying an Extra 300 with Ellen Dean, who at the time was a member of the USAT. It was, in every way, as you described it! :):):)

<---see avatar.
I had that pleasure last year Dave. Quite a rush isn't it. I LOVED it.
awesome dave. i was going to go but then the citablueberria broke. all fixed now though for the trip home. i guess ill just have to make a trip down to the farm sometime, awww shucks...
Kathleen got a dose of Diana's aerobatics, too. She loved the experience, also.
Thanks to our own Diana, I had the wonderful experience of seeing the world from a different perspective over the hills and lakes of beautiful NW Arkansas yesterday afternoon.
Dave, I enjoyed our flight. And flying with everyone else! :yes: Well, except that last flight with Ken Ibold. :hairraise: Holy smokes!

I just wish I would have had more time to take everyone I had promised to take. Maybe next year there will be more aerobatic airplanes/pilots available to give rides.
No loggable lessons. She's gotten some stick time flying back and forth to school. She says the IAR is a little lighter on the controls, so the Viking was much easier to maintain attitude. I try to show her something new every time we go up with just us onboard.

We talked about lessons today. Just gotta find the time in her schedule to fit them in. Kids these days....

Why has that girl not had lessons yet?! She was a smooth stick in the Viking, held altitude like a pro, rate one turns all the way.