
use it wisely :)

we're finally looking at chances of rain this weekend. im headed to ames to get my glider anyway.
That stinks sorry to hear you won't be getting any good instrument practice time in actual this weekend!


I have an XC to do Friday -- I'll file anyway, keep fresh in the system.

But it sho' is nice to look out the window and see stuff!

Especially since it's actually turning green here, ever so slowly....
I don't want things turning green. That means that I'm going to have to start mowing my lawn. Maybe I'll just dump AvGas on it and set it on fire this year... :D
I don't want things turning green. That means that I'm going to have to start mowing my lawn. Maybe I'll just dump AvGas on it and set it on fire this year... :D

I was down in Orlando at the Disney property for a conference last week.

85 and sunny, all the flowers out -- yeah, I'll take green.

Yea, I'm finally hoping to get out again tomorrow after work. Looks like a light Crosswind from the North at Wings,.. hopefully smooth, I'm a bit rusty :rolleyes:
Friday was a nice flying day (though a bit bumpy up to 5k -- smoother at 8k).

By the time I picke dup may Pax, the wind had died and it was a smooth as glass return.

Yesterday (Sunday) was not as pleasant.


After loading and fueling and clearing, I launched at near MGW. What a difference! We clawed our way to 5,000' where it was pretty bumpy (I feel every bump when I have non-pilot passengers on board).

As we climbed I heard a whiny noise. The Tach was acting weird. Then the needle fell off.

Everything sounded right -- everything worked as expected.

But this flight would have to be scrapped (return would have been after sunset in SEL over mountains -- no sense compounding risk on top of illegal activity -- and yeah, a "Tachometer" is required for VFR/IFR flight).

I informed Pitt App we'd be cancelling IFR and returning to FWQ due to instrument malfunction. He asked if there was anything they could do. I said No.

Winds were 3408G18. Landing on 26 was a greaser on the upwind wheel.

We pushed the airplane back in the hangar and I arranged to drive our friends home (3 1/2 hour drive, 1:15 flight)


Such flights are always frustrating, but you made the right call.

Making the right call just can be really annoying at times.
After that debacle I went home, jumped on the motorcycle, rode downtown, and drowned my sorrows with a Snickers Blizzard (Small).

If you're going to drown your sorrows, that's a good way to do it! ;)

I definitely understand your frustration, though. We've all had our times when, for whatever reason, we've had to cancel a trip and deal with the frustrations of it.