Finally went somewhere!


Taxi to Parking
Feb 25, 2005
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White Chocolate
...and learned about Boyle's law in the process.

So yesterday was a bee-yoo-tah-full day in Michigan. Clear sky, visibilty galore and about 35 on the ground. I needed to get out of the pattern which had been 3 out of my past 4 flights, with the 4th flight not even counting as a cross country if I wanted it to be counted towards a rating. The problem is, running off for a burger alone isn't much fun, and all my buddies need to go through 16 levels of bureaucractic negotiation and approval go to anywhere besides the local store to by tampax. So, I decided to give my mom a call, since she hadn't been up with me since the day after brought home my plane in May 2004. She asked where I wanted to go, and I suggested Burlington, WI. Now there is nothing on the field or nearby at BUU, but we have friends that live there, and after a phone call they were all for us coming over.

I saw some clouds just inland from the shore of Lake Michigan on the satellites, but knew that was just the evporation off the Lake like we have pretty much year round, and the METARs along the lake shore showed OVC at 2500. Coupled with high pressure dominating the area, I know it's just the one thin layer which is going to be a non issue. So after preflighting the plane and putting in an hour of fuel, mom and I hop in the plane.

I treat it like an intro flight, and narrate the entire process of what I am doing. She loves the GPS, and reading the sectional chart, so I got them out even though I could fly to BUU and back with...well...nothing. There was about a 16 knot headwind at 10,500 when crossing Lake Michigan, but it was a very smooth flight. Listened to 121.5 on the way over, in lieu of getting flight following over the lake. (I know, I know) There were no clouds anywhere other than the few along the east shore. I let mom hadn;e the controls while I looked up some more info in the "green book" on BUU since I hadn't been in there for 2 years. After getting over the Wisconsin shoreline, I rolled in some forward trim, and pulled the power a little.

The pattern was BUSY at BUU as we were approaching, but we slipped right into a gap behind a 150 who was flying a 747 pattern, so I felt like I had to get out the MLS approach the shuttle uses ito go into Kennedy to fly this pattern. Come on people, you should all know the power off 180! The landing was smooth, as all mine are *cough* and we our friends know we were down. We get in their Escape, and head to...Lake Geneva. I could have landed there! Well, not really, because BUU has Avgas at $2.99, so that was the place to top off.

Ok, if you ever have transportation around Lake Geneva, go to Popeye's. No, it's not the chicken chain. This place as great food. And this is where Boyle's Law came into play. Chips and artichoke dip, a cup of cheesy broccoli soup with a roll. Followed by a massive steak sandwich and seasoned waffle fries, washed down with 2 Coca-Colas. We went back to out friends house to see their new addition, but the time spent there, nor the Tums did anything to help what was going on in my stomach.

Back to the airport for a smooth night flight back over the lake with a 13 knot tailwind at 9,500. Yes, the pressure change over 9,000 feet does make a difference. The visibilty was outstanding and we could see the lights of Chicago, Gary, and a trickle of lights all the way up the Michigan shoreline. We could see the lights of bLansing and Kalamazoo from out over Lake Michigan. Mom was worried about us flying at night, and I said not to worry. Finding hastings at night is easy. There are four huge radio towers well west of the field, so just look for the vertical red lights, and look almost directly east for the beacon. I adjusted the lights on the runway, and put it down and stopped within 1000'. Rolled around to the hangar, and shut down for the night.

It was good to go somewhere, even with the chemistry lesson.
Popeye's is still there? Wow, that brings back memories. I spent most of a couple summer's worth of weekends in Lake Geneva living on a boat that was tied up to the main pier (right next to Popeye's) much of the time. They had fabulous burgers and awesome BBQ IIRC. This was over 30 years ago (geez do I feel old).
N2212R said:
I needed to get out of the pattern which had been 3 out of my past 4 flights, with the 4th flight not even counting as a cross country if I wanted it to be counted towards a rating.

It was good to go somewhere, even with the chemistry lesson.

Ed, nice writeup *burrrp*

I actually went somehwere on Saturday as well, fist time in over a month besides shooting apps locally. Nice.
Just keep in mind, any friday cept at the fourth of july, xmas and thanksgiving, that you want somewhere to go, drop into KGSH, and have a free lunch, also low priced fuel.

usually hamburgers and hot dogs, but we have had lobster, fried chicken, fish, brbied ribs and pork chops from chicago, spaghetti, pizza, submarines, or whatever might just come to mind at the time.

it is free, so is the coffee all the time, usually 25 to 30 people show, up, kinda fun really.
very nice, Ed! Sounds like your mom had fun!
I went to Lake Geneva once in 1983 for a gamers convention (Geneva Convention) I won the Lake Genena Death Race. Nice looking College
Well, Ed, Mom's more important but next time you can't figure out who to go fly with give me a call, I'll meet you somewhere if I can get a plane or I'll go for a ride if not. I'm single so I don't have to clear my schedule with anyone but me.

Missa said:
Well, Ed, Mom's more important but next time you can't figure out who to go fly with give me a call, I'll meet you somewhere if I can get a plane or I'll go for a ride if not. I'm single so I don't have to clear my schedule with anyone but me.

Got a gas mask?
Bill Jennings said:
Got a gas mask?

Nope, but I'm hopeing he learned his lesson.

-deluding myself that a boy would ever learn that lesson.
Missa said:
Well, Ed, Mom's more important but next time you can't figure out who to go fly with give me a call, I'll meet you somewhere if I can get a plane or I'll go for a ride if not. I'm single so I don't have to clear my schedule with anyone but me.


I'm not so sure that Courtney would like that very much.
N2212R said:
I'm not so sure that Courtney would like that very much.

Did she have someone cheat on her in the past? If not then she's too insecure with herself. :dunno: If your with her by choise then having lunch with a female pilot friend shouldn't be any sort of threat. I just don't understand women like that. Why would you(her) want someone who you(she) can't trust? Oh well guess I'm just strange.

So like Ann Arbor was ok 'cause Dave was there too??? Two women and two men (and one kid)... could have been seen as a double date! :hairraise:

N2212R said:
Yes, as have I.

Same here... but then if I can't trust the person I'm with... I dump him imediatly and move on, he's the stupid F*{& that is loosing out in my oppinion. With my background, both as engineer and pilot, 90% of my freinds are male with very few that I have ever wanted to have a relationship of more then freinds with. (but it's a two way street, if I want more and they don't or vice versa, we just moved on as freinds) I can't see giving up most of my friends because a guy I'm dateing is inscure with me having male freinds... If I'm with you it's 'cause I want to be with you, if that changes you'll be the first to know! If I ever get married it's going to be a man of honor because my very best friend is a guy.

-So lets go flying sometime and make your relationship stronger 'cause she know she can trust you not to stray even though you spend the day with another woman. B)
Missa said:
So like Ann Arbor was ok 'cause Dave was there too???
Courtney probably wasn't aware that Dave's not the best chaperone. ;)
N2212R said:
The problem is, running off for a burger alone isn't much fun, and all my buddies need to go through 16 levels of bureaucractic negotiation and approval go to anywhere besides the local store to by tampax.

That's too funny Ed. There are a lot of henpecked men out there. I've had wives get in my face at parties when their husbands express an interest in going flying with me. Usually the husband slinks away with kind of a "what can I do" look on his face. The horror, the horror of flying in a GA airplane. Harleys seem to be OK though. :dunno:
Anthony said:
That's too funny Ed. There are a lot of henpecked men out there. I've had wives get in my face at parties when their husbands express an interest in going flying with me. Usually the husband slinks away with kind of a "what can I do" look on his face. The horror, the horror of flying in a GA airplane. Harleys seem to be OK though. :dunno:
It's a sad state of affairs in those situations. My wife, while scared to death to fly GA (she's a white knuckle airline flyer) knows I love flying and wouldn't think of trying to stifle my flying.

I had layed off flying for over 20 years (since before I met her) for school, raising a family, starting a business, etc., but had talked occasionally about getting back into it. One summer a number of years ago at a picnic, my wife introduced me to one of her friends who introduced me to her husband, who owns a C-310. My wife didn't see me for the rest of the picnic! Driving home that night I said "You know what I need to do?" and I didn't even have to finish the sentence. She said "That's why I introduced you."

She's a gem! :)
gkainz said:
It's a sad state of affairs in those situations.

Heck, it would be the same way if I asked them to go golfing!
Missa said:
Same here... but then if I can't trust the person I'm with... I dump him imediatly and move on, he's the stupid F*{& that is loosing out in my oppinion. With my background, both as engineer and pilot, 90% of my freinds are male with very few that I have ever wanted to have a relationship of more then freinds with.

I second that! Any man who doesn't want me to hang out with male friends... well, isn't going to be happy dating a physicist. Or a pilot.

kath said:
I second that! Any man who doesn't want me to hang out with male friends... well, isn't going to be happy dating a physicist. Or a pilot.


It's just too bad that there aren't enough men around that appreciate us!:blowingkisses:

kath said:
I second that! Any man who doesn't want me to hang out with male friends... well, isn't going to be happy dating a physicist. Or a pilot.

I third that! But I guess that's why I'm single. :dunno:
Sorry we hijacked your thread, Ed!

Everskyward said:
Courtney probably wasn't aware that Dave's not the best chaperone. ;)

Dave dosen't even lurk here and he just doesn't get any respect! :rolleyes:

Not that he would expect any. :D

kath said:
Sorry we hijacked your thread, Ed!


Ed's a Babe and know that thread hijacking is the highest form of flatery!

Love ya Ed :blowingkisses: (in that anoying big brother kind of way) :p

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Typical women! Always trying to control everything about us men, even our threads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
N2212R said:
I'm not so sure that Courtney would like that very much.

Ed, what I do is introduce my wife to the people I fly with (Babes lunch in Lakewood, Gaston's with the POA), once she meets them and gets to know them it seems to reduce her concerns. After that she never wants to come along. I think its a fear of the unknown thing.

Bring Courtney to lunch on Saturday.
bstratt said:
Ed, what I do is introduce my wife to the people I fly with (Babes lunch in Lakewood, Gaston's with the POA), once she meets them and gets to know them it seems to reduce her concerns. After that she never wants to come along. I think its a fear of the unknown thing.

Bring Courtney to lunch on Saturday.

YA know... in my case that may not be so good... :rolleyes:

-just kidding...