Fill in the blank....


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jun 13, 2014
high desert NM
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As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could ____.

And please remember this is a family forum....

Best line from a sitcom ever.
The series finale of the Newhart Show was right up there with the best. Especially if you were familiar with the Bob Newhart show, that had preceded it.
While I completely love that show, I have to say that some of the Tim Conway stuff on the Carol Burnett show was right up there, too. Especially the elephant bit.
Oddly, they played that episode of WKRP tonight.

"Oh the humanity"
City folks...:rolleyes:

Turkeys CAN fly.

Yep, they roost up in trees like other birds. Had about a dozen in the trees across the street from my house. Spooky coming home late at night and you hear the trees moving from over 100 lbs of turkeys up in the branches.