Fear the McNugget


Pattern Altitude
Oct 24, 2007
Fontana, CA
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Fox McCloud

Without cheating how many battles/wars can you identify?
That was brilliant abosolutly brilliant.

I got the Russian Revolution,
I thought the first with the pretzels and the Matzoh was the holocaust but thats not really a battle.
WWII of course including Pearl Harbour andthe dropping of the Atom Bomb
Then Korea. ( Kimche was a bit hard to Identify)
The cold war build up
I got The Israelie wars. The 6 day war and then the Yom kippur war, then there was the terrorist intifada and the first gulf war with the Scud Launches on Tel Aviv and the US Patriot missle defense
The Cold War build up
The 9/11 Terrorist Attack was obvious and then the Invasion of Iraq in the Recent War and then the insurgent IED type attacks.
Except the Russian Revolution, Korea (The Forgotten war), Israeli Wars I found all the other stuff u did. WRT to the Israeli wars all I saw was the Israelis fighting the Arabs. There's been so many that before my time that I couldn't tell the difference.

Although, in hindsight Somalia, Kosovo, and the Cuba missile Crisis seem to be missing.
I didn't see the Russian Revolution at all.

I think that's the holocaust. It wasn't depicted as a battle, but more as an "execution".

The Cuban missile crisis was there. If you look at the very first scene, you get a picture of the world, roughly laid out on a "map". The Cubans are a "Cuban Sandwich".

The Israeli conflict just seemed to decode as "British pull away, arabs attack, israelis attack back and kick ass".

Was I supposed to be making a distinction between pretzels and sausage?

I guess the British were fish and chips? I got that they were British, but couldn't tell what the food item was.

I find it amusing that the croissants never actually fight. They are invaded in one scene, and liberated in another.

Nobody mentioned that the falafel Bin Laden "got away" at the end of Afghanistan. I'm assuming that's him slinking away, and he's escaping into Pakistan.
I wonder if that guy's ever been on a date in his life.


Actually that was pretty good. Twisted, but good.
I didn't see the Russian Revolution at all.

I find it amusing that the croissants never actually fight. They are invaded in one scene, and liberated in another.

It's supposed to be the history of "American-centric" war from WWI to present.

I found the croissant thing interesting too. I can't think of a major battle right now, but I'm they've gotta have some big war changing fight.
I thought the sausages were the Italians?
I thought the sausages were the Italians?
Well, on the "map", the sausages are surrounded by pretzels. I'm guessing they're making a distinction between German and Nazi (sort of like the distinction between kabob and falafel).
Nobody caught the battle of Midway?
Right after Pearl Harbor. When one of the bugers gets it.
Well, on the "map", the sausages are surrounded by pretzels. I'm guessing they're making a distinction between German and Nazi (sort of like the distinction between kabob and falafel).

Yeah, I don't know. I guess Italy didn't play a part in WWII? :confused:
The sausages may be Italians but that's a pretty poor choice for their official food (yeah yeah, I know, Italian Sausages...).

Sausage is not the first thing I think about when I think of Italy - it's a German thing. Although I suppose they are rather limited by the McD's menu. (is there falafel on a regular McD's menu? If they are using artistic license here they need to come up with a better representation for Italy).

I thought the French Fries hiding behind the Burger represented the French as well.. or are those just people...

I can't believe I am parsing this.
I think the fries are just people, especially since there were fries present when the twin macs fell.