FD Ctlsi


Touchdown! Greaser!
Oct 22, 2008
mass fla
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ron keating
any comments on the flight design ctlsi ??
I'd hit it.
Has anyone even seen one, for real? The German production is stopped, and the Taiwanese airplanes are a vapor. Show me a dealer who has a CTLSi for sale.

To begin with, FD went into receivership because they took people's money and weren't delivering airplanes, so customers sued the heck out of them. Has the situation changed?
Try www.ctflier.com to find some feedback on the CT line.

Seem nice enough with some annoying quirks.

The fact that they are, or may soon be orphans may be problematical. If FD does not rise from the ashes and no one assumes responsibility for continued airworthiness, owners will be forced to go Experimental - not the end of the world, but a show-stopper for some.
Those the little flying eggs?
Very efficient, well equipped, if you get the 2x 10in Dynon and Garmin 7XX, wider stance than CTSW, 36 gal, space for luggage behind the seats, an the usual left and right luggage doors.
Nice birds. There is a company that has promised to provide the needed parts, if needed.
With full fuel it's somewhat limited in the cabin weight, and it has some issues that have to be addressed, Mandatory SB about the Stator, overheats when taxi with wind behind, in hot gays, around 80F. The Garmin may lock up/ go blank, and have to remove the unit and battery to bring it back alive. TV
Zaitcev was a bit harsh. FD GERMANY is reorganizing. FD USA did NOT take money and not deliver, but deliveries were slowed because of Germany's problems and the Ukraine situation. There are CTLSi out there in the wild and AeroJones has begun delivering aircraft as the new source.

The CTLSi are very nice aircraft that operate very economically. 4 gal hr for 115-120kts, mogas.
Before i moved to private from sport training I was contemplating buying a CTLSi - went and flew 323CT in spruce creek and it was a fantastic plane. I was getting ready to sign a contract on one. Ended up going private and went the Cirrus route but I hope it all works out for FD as that was a great little plane and the C4 looks like it will be nice..