Fatal Glider crash in Boulder, CO

Not good. Second glider fatality in N Colorado in a month.
Aww man. People gotta stop doing this (particularly in Boulder).
The completely unofficial thoughts on the fatal glider crash in Boulder is that the (plastic) glider hit high-tension power lines and exploded into lots of little parts during a possible attempt to land out. Possibly exacerbated by high speed and/or hypoxia.

Debris field was oversized significantly over what was expected. Pieces were also smaller than anticipated.

The pilot took a high-tow and had O2, but also wasn't known for being caught 5 miles downwind of the airport on a high gusty wind day.
The pilot was relatively new to soaring but really enthusiastic and had been flying a lot in the last 6 months or so. He had been working through his badges, had just earned his Silver, and was well liked by everyone who met him. A real bummer.