Farewell analog cell phones!

Just so you guys can also put this in perspective the US is the last nation on the planet that had mandated analog cellular coverage. The rest of the world moved on years ago, but for some reason we have a hard time with new technology. There is even a letter in the local paper today condemning the change to digital TV next yeer. The USA is not a very good country when it comes to implementing high tech for consumers.

Some of us still remember when the rest of the world made ISDN easy, yet it was hard to get in the States.....
I remember those days too! It amazed me how easy data connections were just about everywhere except the US

I had ISDN for a while (it was slightly crippled, but better than a Verizon cellphone). It was a real struggle to get. Still have the modem somehwere.

Worst of all, it would regularly drop one of the two channels - and the crippleware in MaBell's system would lock the second channel out until you rebooted. I ended up with a pots line set up to reboot the ISDN modem/router if I weren't around when that happened.
I had ISDN for a while (it was slightly crippled, but better than a Verizon cellphone). It was a real struggle to get. Still have the modem somehwere.

Worst of all, it would regularly drop one of the two channels - and the crippleware in MaBell's system would lock the second channel out until you rebooted. I ended up with a pots line set up to reboot the ISDN modem/router if I weren't around when that happened.
Did you ever get to use the ISDN pay phones in Japan? I would hook up to those, dial AT&T USA direct and swap the data in Outlook lickety split. It was so much better than having to do dial up back to the US!!
Did you ever get to use the ISDN pay phones in Japan? I would hook up to those, dial AT&T USA direct and swap the data in Outlook lickety split. It was so much better than having to do dial up back to the US!!

No, but I remember using a similar arrangement back in Europe.