FAA updates ADS-B Install Policy

John Collins

Feb 29, 2008
Charlotte, NC
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The FAA has updated their install policy for ADS-B systems. The major improvement is that a field approval for a follow on installation is no longer required. This covers the case where there is an existing STC for the ADS-B Out system and position as a pair. In the past, a follow on installation required a field approval. This is no longer necessary if the installer follows the new policy.

See http://tinyurl.com/hdelh6l
That makes a big help to us. Our PA-25 has not been listed in any STCs I've found from companies with their ADS-B equipment. A lot of Pipers, but no -25 . Ours is in the RESTRICTED category.

If I read this correctly, as long as you follow the STC approved install procedure for the equipment, it can be applied to any aircraft.
The sticky part is d. The part about getting permission from the stc holder, will they or won't they. I hope most will, this will help a lot if the stc holders say go ahead. I would guess the stcs held by manufacturers like garmin will be easy to get permission. More sales for them with less expense of getting more stcs approved.
