FAA policy


Taxi to Parking
Feb 23, 2005
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we all know when we buy or sell any aircraft in the US Registry we make out a bill of sale to track ownership. and the ownership train must not have any blanks in the trail.
But who can tell me why we must show an ownership trail when the aircraft is imported from an other country. They are requiring me to show the ownership trail while in Canada.
Why.? do they believe the Canadians would transfer title and registration improperly.

Who knows where this requirement comes from?
The Aircraft Registration office of the FAA is the most nitpicking and difficult to deal with in the FAA. It is a royal PITA to get anything changed (even things as simple as changes of address and they are the most unresponsive bunch of louts I've dealt with). Took me YEARS to get them to change Margy's last name to her married name. I'm still waiting for them to change the address on my registration even while bending over backwards to complete a document signed by the both of us and sent in. They haven't processed it nor answered why not yet.

Anyhow, the FAA wants paper on ALL ownership transfers. They're not going to take the last document of ownership which I suspect is what you're trying to give them. It's not a matter of trust, they want the history. This is what makes the FAA ownership determination pretty rock solid.
Think of it as the DMV with only one office and one window to process all of the title transfers in the United States. :)
Well this morning after several e-mails yesterday, they have once again changed their minds. now they re sending back the Canadian bill of sale registered with Transport Canada and requiring me to note this was a Canadian seller. and return it to them. and they will then issue the registration.
I asked in a e-mail yesterday to show me where the requirement to track ownership while the aircraft was not in US registry. Apparently they could not. but they had to do something to CYA