Everest Basejump


Mar 11, 2005
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Earlier in the week, the news had a story about the large numbers of people wanting to mount the summit of Everest that someone had placed a ladder to assist the climbers in coming down. A day or so later, there was this story. A rather unique way to get "off the mountain".
I am pretty sure I wouldn't do it. Congrats Valery Rosov.
And REDBULL really does give you wings!
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Earlier in the week, the news had a story about the large numbers of people wanting to mount the summit of Everest that someone had placed a ladder to assist the climbers in coming down. A day or so later, there was this story. A rather unique way to get "off the mountain".
I am pretty sure I wouldn't do it. Congrats Valery Rosov.
And REDBULL really does give you wings!

If I had the means, I'd love to do it!!
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Good stuff. If I had a million to throw around, I'd be in the line to the top as well.
I love the breathless media calling this a jump covering 23,000 feet in one minute. Having done a fair bit of jumping myself I called BS on that just at face value, you can't even freefall from 23,000' in one minute, forget about canopy time for landing. As the rest of the story comes out, it turns out he jumped from 23,687 MSL and landed on a glacier at 19,521 MSL. Not exactly "parachuting down from Everest" but technically yes, he did jump from Everest.

I'm not hacking on his achievement - it was definitely one for the record books - I'm hacking on the idiotic clueless melodramatic media.
Technically people are calling the exit point as a mountain on a ridge connected to Everest, but not Everest. Whatever, I'd jump it, if I didn't have to walk up to the exit point. The summit of Everest has been 'jumped' err launched off by a paraglider pilot.