Ever been on this flight?

...aren't they all like that?
I don't know, that FA was a lot better looking than most, and has a better attitude than many.

I did have a bag of peanuts launched back at us. We keep asking for more and she pulled them out and heaved the bag back at us. Oh it was not a 3"x4" bag it was the bag the held about a 100 of the little bags. The flight was form Plattsburg, NY to Philly and we only had 6 people on the flight. Five of us in the back BSing, causing problems (not real) for the flight attendant and on guy upfront.

It was a fun.
OH! DON'T get me started on the please turn up the heat discussion I have had with FAs. Plane filled with people huddled under blankets but the plane is freezing cold while the FAs complain it is too hot. :mad::mad::mad::mad:

Well, given the airline you were flying, it must be a menopause thing.. :rolleyes:;)

Looking for a place to hide from the fallout
There are some- Albany had one working the dawn patrol travelers weekend before last. I've seen some also in Philadelphia and Omaha.