Event for kids: Virtual Young Eagles Rally on Monday

Martin Pauly

Line Up and Wait
PoA Supporter
Dec 27, 2011
Cedar Rapids, IA
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Martin Pauly
Our local EAA chapter is trying something new, and I hope you can help spread the word on this aviation event for kids. Chapter 33 had to cancel the first Young Eagles rallies of the year, so we are doing a virtual Young Eagles rally on Monday March 30 at 12:00 noon central time (Chicago). We invite all kids interested in aviation in general, and in the Young Eagles program in particular to join us online, follow along, and ask questions.

Link for the live event:

Time: Monday, March 30, 2020 – 12:00 noon US central time

E-Mail us your questions before (or during) the event at March2020YE@gmail.com, and we will try to answer as many of them as we can during the event.

With so many kids being out of school and some of them probably bored to death by now, we hope this will be something to brighten the day for some of them.
Thanks for sharing. I let my nephew know about this.
Nice job, Martin. I watched the entire event. Kudos to you and the crew for an informative session! The only thing I would suggest for future sessions is that a "prop filter" be used on the forward viewing camera.
Nice job, Martin. I watched the entire event. Kudos to you and the crew for an informative session! The only thing I would suggest for future sessions is that a "prop filter" be used on the forward viewing camera.
Thanks. We had some poor audio quality at the beginning, but then things worked really quite well. We had a minimal crew for this, as you can imagine in this challenging time. Got a few questions in via email; unfortunately YouTube does not allow a chat window when the content is made for kids, like this one was.

Prop filter... there isn't a perfect answer. With a prop filter on that camera, the picture looks blurry and washed out. Without it, you see the prop. My Hero8 is much better, but it doesn't have an HDMI out, so I can't use it with my live streaming setup.

- Martin