Embarrassed to ask....what's a Red Board?

For the OP, PoA is the "Blue Board". The Purple Board is the only one that doesn't have two names.

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Red Board...Purple Board...Student Pilot...Cessna Owners...and of course the best...Blue Board...

I love reading up on GA and learning from others...are there any other GA forums that are out there and active that I am missing?
Never will you find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

90% of the folks on that forum are on all these forums. They just use a different screen name.
Myself I try and keep my screen name the same for then you know for whom you are speaking with.
As some others have stated, when you meet some of these people in life they do not come off as they do over a forum.
I have never been on the AOPA forum, but I do belong to the AOPA.
Sorry I just don't know (seriously)

You should be sorry and embarrassed. Sheesh....


I've recently cleared my browswer and not logged back into the Red board in a while (since it requires the double log in). Not missed it too much. Blue, Purple, and BeechTalk seem sufficient time wasters. :D:D
What no one has mentioned is why it's referred to as the Red board....it's the color of the borders and other cosmetic attributes. And that's why this is the Blue board.
I just now followed the above link to the purple board and just for the heck of it logged in using the same info I usually use so I don't have to tax my mind remembering passwords and user IDs, it worked. My last visit was back in 2009. I like this site better.

Call me crazy, but the blue and red boards aren't all that different. Many of the same people, for one thing. The blue board shows up on search results from Google, Bing, etc., so I think it gets a lot more newbies and people interested in learning to fly, rather than the folks who already shelled out cash to be AOPA members.

As such, one benefit of the red board is the relative lack of trolls. Trolls tend not to spend money to do their trolling. It is much more tightly moderated, which can be a plus or a minus depending on your perspective. I prefer it, and hate discussions that devolve into politics with a passion. You couldn't pay me to subscribe to the "spin zone" here.

The Red board does have a few very argumentative folks who will disagree for hours on the meaning of the word "is". On the plus side, recently more interaction with AOPA operations and editorial staff has showed up on the board, which I think makes it valuable.

Both boards have an equal number of grumpy old men, however. No getting away from that, unfortunately.
Stolen and paraphrased from another forum I used to frequent....

"AOPA Red Board, a great place to go for aviation discussions, information, and a sucker punch."
Yeah they are!

This one has traffic
The other one is nearly dead

Most of the traffic here is hangar talk. The traffic on the Red Board is at least aviation related. I like you all and everything but I don't really care about your motorcycles, tools, or your drives cross country.

Statistics-wise, there is more content on the red board, with more members, more threads, and more posts.
Most of the traffic here is hangar talk. The traffic on the Red Board is at least aviation related. I like you all and everything but I don't really care about your motorcycles, tools, or your drives cross country.

Statistics-wise, there is more content on the red board, with more members, more threads, and more posts.
Aunt Peggy,

I have spent my whole life moving (20 cities/towns in 8 states and 2 foreign countries; bought House #4 to be Home #39 at age 41), and your story had me laughing until I cried. Seriously, add a picture of TT, preferably with Wee Car loaded in the back.

Since you carried house and hangar, with airplane to follow, it's at least aviation related.

Understand that wasn't directed at you personally, just a quick recollection of topics on the hangar topic forum that pop up when I click on new posts. The off topic stuff just isn't my cup of tea, to each their own I suppose.

My point was that when you take out the off-topic stuff, this board isn't much more active than the red board.
Understand that wasn't directed at you personally, just a quick recollection of topics on the hangar topic forum that pop up when I click on new posts. The off topic stuff just isn't my cup of tea, to each their own I suppose.

My point was that when you take out the off-topic stuff, this board isn't much more active than the red board.

I am always amazed at the folks who read the clearly defined off-topic forums and posts only to complain that they exist. They're easy enough to avoid, especially on PoA. If you're not interested, don't read them. Simple as that.

I haven't studied actual post count, but I suspect that the vast majority of content on PoA is aviation-related. Moderation seems to be more reasonable here than what I recall of the AOPA forums. Given the consistently poor experience I've had with the "expertise" of AOPA staff, I am skeptical that their participation would add much meaningful value to the forum.

It would be nice if the new leadership brought positive changes to AOPA, but I'll have to wait and see before I start sending them money again.

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Red Board...Purple Board...Student Pilot...Cessna Owners...and of course the best...Blue Board...

I love reading up on GA and learning from others...are there any other GA forums that are out there and active that I am missing?

Most of the traffic here is hangar talk. The traffic on the Red Board is at least aviation related. I like you all and everything but I don't really care about your motorcycles, tools, or your drives cross country.

Statistics-wise, there is more content on the red board, with more members, more threads, and more posts.

That's why I come to these forums.
Sorry I just don't know (seriously)

I "visited" the red board after taking out my membership, years ago, and found the combination psychotic jerks and panty waste moderators too much to bother with and dropped both the red board and AOPA shortly after.
But why? After all, the content, except airplane garb is boring to you, not your thing, :yawn:, not your cup of tea, blah, blah, blah.

I have an idea, you and Craig Fuller should meet up and talk about how wonderful he is to the World of Aviation. Afterall, he united GA together. :yes:
Maybe even a little cuddle time with Craigy is in order:rofl::yikes:
Hallelujah for AOPA. Can I hear an Amen brothers and Sisters??:ihih:

I'll chime in, in agreement with brad z, to a degree. I like them both, but I am more likely to learn something on the red board, av related... But am going to enjoy the banter here, more.
Who cares? Then why are you here? Please, exit out and and return back to the boring, moderated world at the Red board :yes:

A good example how snark and unproductive comments are not limited to the red board.
That's why I come to these forums.

If you really like the non aviation subjects and discussing non political day to day chit chat, try the Purple Board. There's way more of that over there.

I'm the opposite. That's why I quit going to the Purple Board. It's like a sewing circle. I like talking about airplanes, so I like the Red Board and I also like this one. If you have a Mooney, or are interested in them, you must go to MooneySpace.com
But why? After all, the content, except airplane garb is boring to you, not your thing, :yawn:, not your cup of tea, blah, blah, blah.

I have an idea, you and Craig Fuller should meet up and talk about how wonderful he is to the World of Aviation. Afterall, he united GA together. :yes:
Maybe even a little cuddle time with Craigy is in order:rofl::yikes:
Hallelujah for AOPA. Can I hear an Amen brothers and Sisters??:ihih:

Bitter much? What happened? The Red Board moderators send you a PM? Was your thread locked?

Anyways, I will say Hallelujah for AOPA and Amen!!
Boy....what did I start with a simple question resulting from my ignorance.....
In addition to the red, purple and blue, there are also numerous type like beechtalk, cessnaowners, piperowners (although WHY in God's name do they call it POS), professional pilots, helicopters, experimentals. You can facebook, tweet, forum with vBulletin, IPboard, PPL. The lists are endless as is the internet.
Welcome to PoA.
I quit the AOPA board years ago, when it occurred to me that the bulk of the threads there seemed to devolve into just a bunch of "I know more than you!" "Do not!" "Do too!" exchanges. Maybe it's just my involvement here from the first days, but this seems like more of a community and less like the one-upsmanship of a bunch of know-it-alls.

Yeah, there is some of that here, no doubt, but the fact that people take the time to get personal helps to eliminate the internet anonymity that leads to bad behavior.
One good thing about PoA, the blue board, is how stable we are. We have a very consistent (imo) Management Council that has a very established and effective process for handling moderation. Year after year after year there are very subtle changes in our management. I don't think you'll find that elsewhere very often.

My experience with most forums is that you'll find the management and moderators are constantly shifting (because it's a lot of work) with quite a bit of drama and turnover. As these shifts occur the tone of the board is constantly changing.

If we're anything -- we're consistent and extremely fair (we absolutely do not play favorites). From our hosting, to our members, to our management council. I think there is a lot of value in that.