Email hackers at it again!


Cleared for Takeoff
Feb 22, 2005
Long Island, NY
Display Name

Display name:
Toby Speed
Hi guys,

Just wanted to let you know that if you received a strange email from "me" today, saying that I'm stuck in the UK and need money to get home, please trash it. Someone hacked into my defunct (I thought) Yahoo account and sent out a broadcast message.

If you got this, I'm so sorry!

How can we know for sure this is really you? Some yahoo may have hacked your PoA ;)

btw...u been a way 2 long...glad to see you online
Yes, its been a while. Hi Toby! I was just at KWWD and your name came up for organizing something there a ways back. See we still think of you!

Hope you're well.
Hi guys,

Just wanted to let you know that if you received a strange email from "me" today, saying that I'm stuck in the UK and need money to get home, please trash it. Someone hacked into my defunct (I thought) Yahoo account and sent out a broadcast message.

If you got this, I'm so sorry!

But I already cashed the cashier's check you sent me and mailed half of it back to you in the UK!!!!!


Hi guys,

Just wanted to let you know that if you received a strange email from "me" today, saying that I'm stuck in the UK and need money to get home, please trash it. Someone hacked into my defunct (I thought) Yahoo account and sent out a broadcast message.

If you got this, I'm so sorry!


Well hello stranger!!! Glad to see you back on the boards! If you had been stuck in the UK, I probably would send you a check!

I got that email from another contact. They hack into your Yahoo account then lock you out. SOBs