Election Party


Touchdown! Greaser!
May 8, 2015
Santa Barbara, CA
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I usually stay home and watch the elections. Watch a game or whatever and do a little channel surfing to keep up with things. This year I'm thinking of maybe throwing an Election Day Party. I'm wondering if I should hire security and get some bouncers and have everyone patted down before getting in. I'll supply Nerf bats and other safe weapons.
I'll be at a chapter BOD meeting tomorrow night.
I'm ready to celebrate that it's over,till people start running for office in another couple of weeks. Break out the good Bourbon.
I usually stay home and watch the elections. Watch a game or whatever and do a little channel surfing to keep up with things. This year I'm thinking of maybe throwing an Election Day Party. I'm wondering if I should hire security and get some bouncers and have everyone patted down before getting in. I'll supply Nerf bats and other safe weapons.
Make sure you invite folks from all sides. :biggrin: :eek2:

I'm in a hotel so maybe I'll take a peek at the goings on in the bar...

Just a peek.
I'm more interested in watching the riots after the results come in.

Isn't that protocol these days?
I'm on a cross country flight right now, and it looks like I might end up in KLIT tomorrow. That would be funny/scary.
Alcohol will definitely be needed tomorrow night. Some will use it to celebrate. Most will use it to drown their sorrows.
Good single malt Scotch for the winners. Rotgut whiskey for the losers. :D Kinda like a steak and beans dinner. Losers get the beans.
I'm flying tomorrow afternoon. I will probably settle down with a Yuengling or 5 around 8-9PM.

I voted late last week and have tuned out most politics since. I actually listen to music in the car again. Fairly confident my horse will win.
have fun!

(what is the checkride for, probably everyone else knows)
It's just a Part 135 recurrent checkride in the C-680 sim. So it's pretty much a repeat of an ATP checkride for the type. That might sound daunting but I've done it in this sim a lot of times.
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Our airplane is pictured in the second link. Glad it's not this one.

I'm on a cross country flight right now, and it looks like I might end up in KLIT tomorrow. That would be funny/scary.

My condolences.......
Actually the campaign has taken a turn for the better. I have seen the new ad with Ivanka 3 times already today. Wowza!

Yeah, nice!! If she weren't my daughter I'd.... Wait, she isn't my daughter! :D:D
Yeah if it is rotgut for the losers, then it is rotgut for all of us.
How very socialist of you. We started and finished a bottle of Macallan 12 last night.
I'm on a cross country flight right now, and it looks like I might end up in KLIT tomorrow. That would be funny/scary.

Might be a good day to visit Bill's museum, no one will probably be there. All home sobbing....
We started and finished a bottle of Macallan 12 last night.


I drove the girlfriend to work early this morning so no booze for me, but I plan to make up for it with some day drinking in a couple of hours. :)
Well I went flying yesterday, learning a new airplane which was a nice distraction. Got home around 8 PM and spent the next 4 hours pacing nervously around, and crushing natty lights. I was feeling okay with my freedom hangover this morning.