Eights on Pylons

Mark, I'm confused - was your CFI ride with an inspector or DPE? Was it your initial instructor rating?

Here in the DC area all initial instructor rides are with an inspector, unless something makes it impossible for them to do it in the allowable time window. DPEs can do add-on ratings after an instructor certificate is earned.
I was thinking his ride was with a DPE as well. In Atlanta, it's the same way... FSDO unless scheduling is an issue. So, the school maintains an office under Nashville FSDO just to use a DPE just so things could be accomplished in a more timely manner.

Ben said Nashville is gearing up more inspectors and will eventually take over CFI Initial rides. His supervisor was saying he probably wanted to get out of doing the CFI rides. Ben's response was he preferred the CFI rides then he had an idea of what might be coming to him as far as sign-offs from that new CFI.

It's gonna get more interesting.
I was thinking his ride was with a DPE as well. In Atlanta, it's the same way... FSDO unless scheduling is an issue. So, the school maintains an office under Nashville FSDO just to use a DPE just so things could be accomplished in a more timely manner.

Waitaminute... Am I reading that right? Rather than take a ride with the Atlanta FSDO, your school maintains an office under Nashville just to allow people to do their rides with a DPE?

That ain't right. :no:
Waitaminute... Am I reading that right? Rather than take a ride with the Atlanta FSDO, your school maintains an office under Nashville just to allow people to do their rides with a DPE?

That ain't right. :no:
It's done for efficiency. It takes upward of thirty days to schedule with the FSDO. And, if you fail any part of it you're looking at another thirty days to schedule again. Worse yet, there's no guarantee you'll get the same inspector. When that happens, you're subject to any part of whatever was already covered the first oral.

If you've had a five-plus hour oral exam, then fail a simple item on the flight portion, do you want to risk having to sit through any part of the oral again? Trust me, you ain't seen nothing until you experience a CFI-initial oral!
Waitaminute... Am I reading that right? Rather than take a ride with the Atlanta FSDO, your school maintains an office under Nashville just to allow people to do their rides with a DPE?

That ain't right. :no:
Why aint it right? I think it is a valued service the school provides as an alternate to the ATL waiting game.

I know some FSDOs allow up to two months to get to the applicant. That is a long wait and your life is on hold while rusts sets in.
Why aint it right? I think it is a valued service the school provides as an alternate to the ATL waiting game.

I know some FSDOs allow up to two months to get to the applicant. That is a long wait and your life is on hold while rusts sets in.
True. I'm betting that unused office at CHA is costing several grand a month. And, the school picks up that tab.
Why aint it right? I think it is a valued service the school provides as an alternate to the ATL waiting game.

Because they're gaming the system solely to provide their students with an easier checkride. I guess I should move to TN right before I want to take my CFI ride? :no:
Because they're gaming the system solely to provide their students with an easier checkride. I guess I should move to TN right before I want to take my CFI ride? :no:
It doesn't work that way. You have to be a student at that school and signed off by their CFI for a CFI initial checkride.

I could have gone to another district but I'd have to do the ride with an actual FSDO inspector. But, I'm also subject to their schedule up to thirty days later.
It doesn't work that way. You have to be a student at that school and signed off by their CFI for a CFI initial checkride.

Not if I physically move there. I'm not saying I'd work through your school, just that I'd place myself in a FSDO that was overworked and thus allowed initial CFI rides with a DPE instead of an FAA inspector.
Not if I physically move there. I'm not saying I'd work through your school, just that I'd place myself in a FSDO that was overworked and thus allowed initial CFI rides with a DPE instead of an FAA inspector.
That, you could do. So, you would "game the system!" :eek:

The toss up is wait up to thirty days for the ride from your local FSDO during which you try to keep up the performance level for the ride or travel to where you can get it done sooner and pay $600+. The plus of the latter is returning to that same DPE for any retake. You won't get that luxury at a FSDO.
Re: gaming the system.

You mean to say that there are methods to make it "easier" for the applicant and that the FAA condones that?
Im late to the game. DPE Checkrides for initial CFI are not necessarily easier than FSDO rides. Ive heard many stories about various DPE's and FSDO inspectors from here in Iowa that attest to that.
Im late to the game. DPE Checkrides for initial CFI are not necessarily easier than FSDO rides. Ive heard many stories about various DPE's and FSDO inspectors from here in Iowa that attest to that.
I don't think they are easier. If anything, Ben did a lot more to make it more comforting. Ya think an FAA inspector would take ya to lunch after failed ya?

The big thing with DPEs are they simply easier to get scheduled in a more timely manner.
I'm not plucking anything. Given that Kent is not given to hyperbole I am interested to know what he has to support his position.
FSDO examiners probably would take you to lunch if they didnt have to be so uptight about showing any sort of favoritism towards anyone. They are people too...
FSDO examiners probably would take you to lunch if they didnt have to be so uptight about showing any sort of favoritism towards anyone. They are people too...
That's just it. The DPEs are able to be more loose about things. They only worry about maintaining a standard, not an illusion of what may be thought of them.