Dynamic Prop Balancing


The pilot formerly known as Twin Engine Ted
Oct 9, 2007
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I've been thinking about having the props on the Aztec dynamically balanced. I recall that there was someone in PA who did this work, and some people in the area had it done. Any suggestions for someone to use in or near Pennsylvania?

My mechanic has a place that can do it in Peoria, IL, but I don't particularly want to do that since I don't usually head out that direction and going out there just to have the work done would be about 8 hours of flight time on the plane, which is not an insigificant trip.
I've been thinking about having the props on the Aztec dynamically balanced. I recall that there was someone in PA who did this work, and some people in the area had it done. Any suggestions for someone to use in or near Pennsylvania?

Sensenich at KLNS (will balance any brand)
Thanks, I'll give them a call.