Drugs in the last 2yrs

Folks, posting as "unregistered" is a feature we provide in Medical Topics and Lessons Learned for people who have problems which they wish to keep confidential. It is not meant for other people to hide behind when making comments. I have deleted a number of posts in this thread and others for this reason. If people continue to abuse this feature it will be discontinued.
I could be wrong, but I think the intent of the question is to establish if there might be the possibility that there is a substance abuse problem. Or that there is a chance that you will fly under the influence. In any case, I think they care about you intentionally deciding to use the substance.
I think you're probably right about the intent, but then you start getting into the issue of intent rather than deeds. Like, can you answer "no" if you didn't inhale? :rolleyes2: Much easier just to ask "have you ever used?" and keep it a simple yes/no, then sort out whether or not it's an issue only if you answer "yes".
Folks, posting as "unregistered" is a feature we provide in Medical Topics and Lessons Learned for people who have problems which they wish to keep confidential. It is not meant for other people to hide behind when making comments. I have deleted a number of posts in this thread and others for this reason. If people continue to abuse this feature it will be discontinued.

One or two of those was me, and I apologize. My iPad logs me in automatically but my computer doesn't so sometimes that happens. I normally notice when I go to post, but since you don't have to log in I didn't. My bad.
Luckily the faa has to go by facts. If you go to the emergency room and claim you have taken acid (or marijuana, or any other drug) and the hospital does a blood test which comes up negative, well than you were wrong and haven't taken anything. Their has to be evidence, and a blood test is the strongest evidence you can have stating that you did or did not consume a substance. Someone saying they have done something is not evidence, their has to be factual data supporting it. I notice users calling people out for using their real names, however, once again their is no actual evidence saying it was their real name. We are here to help each other, not hurt each other or cause distress.

Source: I'm an aviation attorney
One or two of those was me, and I apologize. My iPad logs me in automatically but my computer doesn't so sometimes that happens. I normally notice when I go to post, but since you don't have to log in I didn't. My bad.
No problem if it's an honest mistake.
Luckily the faa has to go by facts. If you go to the emergency room and claim you have taken acid (or marijuana, or any other drug) and the hospital does a blood test which comes up negative, well than you were wrong and haven't taken anything. Their has to be evidence, and a blood test is the strongest evidence you can have stating that you did or did not consume a substance. Someone saying they have done something is not evidence, their has to be factual data supporting it. I notice users calling people out for using their real names, however, once again their is no actual evidence saying it was their real name. We are here to help each other, not hurt each other or cause distress.

Source: I'm an aviation attorney
Do you realize this is the second time you posted this as unregistered right as we are having the unregistered discussion? Are you forgetting to log in?
I don't see what the hype is about. OP posts a question, answer the question, assuming the face value of his story.
I once had an expierence like that as well. Thought I ate something laced, went to the hospital did a blood test and it came back negative. Doctors said it was the placebo effect and that I should never under estimate the power of the mind. Glad to hear yours worked out.
Does recovering fabric airplanes make one stupid? Or just happy?

That's good dope, you don't smoke it or eat it, although if you don't have enough ventilation when applying, it will make you stupid also.... :wink2:
Old Thread: Hello . There have been no replies in this thread for 365 days.
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Perhaps it would be better to start a new thread instead.