Dr. note for past SSRI wording



I'm starting the process for a Class 3 medical and consulted a senior AME about my application. I have a single incident 20 years ago of situational depression with a 3-4 month usage of an SSRI due to the death of a parent, but there are no records available because of how long ago it was. The AME assured me it's no problem and he can issue in the office with a note from a current PCP or (preferably) a psychiatrist. I know there are many folks here who have gone through this process and was hoping someone could share how they found a psychiatrist (or someone to recommend in Maryland or Virginia) to evaluate and write the note, or an example of the wording I should request from my PCP if I cannot find a willing psychiatrist.

I thought I came across a thread before with a list of specific things to provide for this sort of case but it seems I don't know the right magic phrase to use in the search function, so if this rings a bell for anyone I would appreciate a link.

Thank you all!
but it seems I don't know the right magic phrase

Let me help.

From wherever you are, turn to face Oklahoma City. Place your hands in front of you as though grasping a control yoke or stick. Close your eyes, then recite the following incantation reverently:
" @bbchien @lbfjrmd @WingmanMed "

Be patient, check back to this thread, and help will arrive.
Thank you very much! To make sure I'm understanding, this would be the appropriate information for my current PCP to provide, based on my recollection, even if she has no direct knowledge or involvement with the original occurrence 20 years ago? Or would this refer to my current condition and lack of any issues or recurrence? Sorry for what may be a dumb question, I'm just trying to make sure I get it right!

> State the doctors' formal diagnosis.
> Stimulus for the need for the medication
> Name the medication
> If any others meds used, say if concurrent and name the med(s), this is a negative factor.
> Date of onset
> Date of end of treatement
> That to his knowledge this was the ONLY encounter with psych. support in your entire life
> That there was no suicidality
> That he has seen you at > 60 days (state the date) since discontinuation, and that there are no symptoms left to treat.
This is LIFELONG. That is why she needs to interview you or you need the psychiatrist (who IS willing to take the history , determine if your recollection is likely fact). They are really good observers. All eight point must be literally covered.
Thank you, I understand.

If anyone has recommendations for a psych, would still love to hear them.
Following up on this I got the statement that (hopefully) satisfies the 8 points and was issued a 3rd class in the office. I'll be waiting to see if the FAA takes issue with it. Is there a particular time frame I should expect if bad news is coming?
Did the AME upload the letter to the system, or is he mailing/faxing it in?
And I suppose I should ask, DO YOU KNOW FOR SURE that the letter got transmitted?
He didn't say anything about what he was doing with the letter, and I didn't realize that I ought to ask. I'll call the office tomorrow and try to find out.
Oh heck. Just take the letter, to a Fedrex store, spend 0.65 and fax it to 405-954-4040. Be sure to put your name and DOB on it. Save the fax receipt! At least you know it will get there.

The AME has the ability to uplod and it then becomes instantly visible but what you wnat to "gurard against" is NO letter present".
Well, I drove an hour round trip to the nearest fax machine but the FAA number wouldn't pick up. I'll try again on Friday. Are there particular hours during the day that the number works?

Thanks for the continued help.
Wanted to follow up with an update. It's been more than 6 months and as of yet I have not received any correspondence from the FAA so I'm cautiously optimistic. I recently completed my PPL and presuming nothing changes will most likely transition to basic med when this medical expires.

Thank you again for the help here, bbchien and Half Fast!
....they may have not gotten to it. They are so terribly behind.

Use certified mail, the one with the GREEN "we got it" signature.
Just make sure your full name and DOB are on the document.

AAM 331
PO Box 25082
Oklahoma City, OK 73125
....they may have not gotten to it. They are so terribly behind.

Use certified mail, the one with the GREEN "we got it" signature.
Just make sure your full name and DOB are on the document.

AAM 331
PO Box 25082
Oklahoma City, OK 73125
Even the green slip is a problem anymore with USPS. I have been stuck on a suppressor purchase because USPS lost the green slip in the mail after it was signed.......and now have to have it resent. Just a month ago they lost a prioroty overnight package after one transfer to the larger hub, it's still missing. FAA and USPS sound like they have the same management lately.
Unfortunately the ex president was correct: The post offfice is a joke. And Then there's the FAA fax.

Q: Why does the AME have a landline at home?
A: it's so I can get into the FAA faxes receivers AFTER HOURS from the house. Not becuase he's a boomer.

Q; Why not use direct upload?
A: Because it's limited by the agency to the last "AME of record", AND, it has a 3 mbyte limit. 3Mbytes- YGBSM !?

Q: Why does the FAA only have two fax lines (that are monitored).
A: Because we have too much data.

@#$$$&^%$ !
Unfortunately the ex president was correct: The post offfice is a joke. And Then there's the FAA fax.

Q: Why does the AME have a landline at home?
A: it's so I can get into the FAA faxes receivers AFTER HOURS from the house. Not becuase he's a boomer.

Q; Why not use direct upload?
A: Because it's limited by the agency to the last "AME of record", AND, it has a 3 mbyte limit. 3Mbytes- YGBSM !?

Q: Why does the FAA only have two fax lines (that are monitored).
A: Because we have too much data.

@#$$$&^%$ !


Has anyone done a study to determine to what extent dealing with the FAA causes depression, anxiety, and alcoholism?
Half Fast: as you know I like to win, one airman at a time, the LEGIT way.
But it's killing as to how behind they are and how needless long it drags the airman's agony, out.

The message is: Always be honest. But before you report, obtain EVERYTHING that is needed to get a favorable decision. None of this: "defer an exam and see what they want". uh uh.....

Go in with full armor and "shields up". WIN, on the FIRST pass. That's the only way to keep the "decision limbo" under a year.
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Well, I drove an hour round trip to the nearest fax machine but the FAA number wouldn't pick up. I'll try again on Friday. Are there particular hours during the day that the number works?

Thanks for the continued help.
Seems like a lot of work to avoid calling your AME and asking if he uploaded the letter.
Bruce, I’m certainly glad you’re still doing this. It does not sound like my idea of a fun retirement gig and I would have said “Screw this, I’m out” long before now.