Do or die?

If it's just me in the plane, and there's no doubt that I would take out people in the park, then I'm going into the mountain. If my family's (or other pax) in the plane, or there's a chance of missing people, then I'm in the park. In either case, I'm starting by aiming for the park.
Jesse, I think you are missing the spirit of the question. The question is simple, would you risk the lives of others in order to save your own, or would you opt to sacrifice yourself to avoid putting others in harms way?

The question tries to eliminate all the options available until it is down to just the two options. There are no others.

It doesn't do a very good job of that. In visualizing the scenario, I thought "maybe I can make a right or left turn, duck under/over some power lines, and land on a street that T's at the edge of the park." I would think that to have only the option of the park or the mountain, you'd have to be less than 100 AGL and pointed right at the mountain, and only a complete dumbass would have let things get to that point before the engine failed.