Do any pedometers work?


Final Approach
PoA Supporter
May 23, 2006
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I am on my third pedometer. The first and third did not last one day. The second was inaccurate, but continued running until its battery died.

Where can I find one that is reliable? I only want to record my daily activities which probably amount to walking a mile a day, sitting in a chair for 8+ hours, housework, and watching TV. I wouldn't ask it to survive an airplane ride.
This is aviation related how?
Seriously. There are headers for each section of this forum. Here's the one for this section:

Controlled Airspace All forums within this category are Aviation Only forums. Topics posted here not dealing with Aviation in some way will be moved or deleted.

How about "Pilots Lounge" for this silly stuff? Specifically 'Hangar Talk' is set aside for non-aviation topics. While you're there check out my Riddles and Brainteasers thread. It's all about non-aviation.
Seriously. There are headers for each section of this forum. Here's the one for this section:
Still not the red board. We have pretty good moderators that keep things in line here.
Back on topic, I was going to suggest a GPS but I'm not sure it's be accurate enough and they don't work well indoors. I use one for a bike computer.
I got something called a "fitbit". It is pretty neat. $99 ain't cheap, but what the heck, you only live once.

It is not 100% accurate, but overall it give a great estimate. Include scaring the bejesus out of me about how little sleep I actually get. It has other features to measure calories burned, calories consumed (if you log the food you eat) and more.

And who the F cares if this is aviation related or not.
I got something called a "fitbit". It is pretty neat. $99 ain't cheap, but what the heck, you only live once.

It is not 100% accurate, but overall it give a great estimate. Include scaring the bejesus out of me about how little sleep I actually get. It has other features to measure calories burned, calories consumed (if you log the food you eat) and more.

And who the F cares if this is aviation related or not.
On order.
She needs to know how far she walks between the FBO and the airplane.
Thanks for the support. Since "Captain" is on my "Ignore List", I didn't realize that there was a problem. Probably I should have posted in the Medical forum, but instead posted into the forum I was currently reading. Sorry for all those I offended.

Actually, I want to record my activities while walking to the plane from the FBO, while talking with pilots, while mixing up a bowl of veggies to snack on in the plane, while thinking about flights of fancy, while hugging pilots and their wives/husbands, while pre-flighting, while watching Hubby and his student fly off, while walking from one end of the "tarmac" to the other, while pacing off the inside of a hangar, while listening to a "Wings" seminar. And while trying to get back to a state where I can renew my medical.
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Nobody is gonna get upset if someone makes a mistake and starts a thread in the wrong forum accidently. The good thing about our moderators is that they don't automatically put the rules ahead of the community the rules are supposed to serve.

Good luck with your exercise.
Ignore list? Well, her loss. Sometimes I post some gems.

Btw, I wasn't offended. Just struck me odd when two threads popped up not related to the section. Not sure if mods can 'move' threads here.
Just struck me odd when two threads popped up not related to the section.
Can I pipe in even though this is none of my business... I just have to ask: Who cares if it's not related??
Can I pipe in even though this is none of my business... I just have to ask: Who cares if it's not related??
You are a PoA member, so I think it is some of your business.

And you're right, Tracey- who cares? This isn't the Red Board and Peggy has a long & distinguished membership here.
Well, in my experiance, forums tend to flow better and are more user friendly if the threads are grouped properly in their respective sections. It makes the forum easier to search and find relevant threads and posts your looking for.

Various forums enforce it to carrying degrees. Usually mods simply move the thread with a reminder to the OP. Here I guess not. I'm pretty new here so I guess maybe I should have stayed out of it. I dunno, there's an argument that new blood brings new ideas too and my posting accomplishes just that.

To answer your question "who cares?". Well, that's up to the users and mods of the forum.
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Can I pipe in even though this is none of my business... I just have to ask: Who cares if it's not related??

I'll jump in on this (even though I was one of the ones that poked fun at the Captain for his comments).

Having the board broken up in different forums helps folks narrow down the types of posts they want to see (IFR, Student stuff, Medical, etc). Otherwise, you might as well have a single forum on the board. Having a stray thread or two is really no big deal and unless it gets to the point of being problematic (as in excessive off topic threads), probably doesn't warrant any action taken by the mods.

Personally, I normally use the New Post feature so which forum a thread is in is really meaningless to me. I suspect the majority of vBulletin users do the same. However, when I'm moderating on that other colored board, if I happen to see something that obviously should be in another forum, I typically just move it and say nothing. Not sure what the moderating rules are here in that regard.
On order.
Hope you like it. And in order to help keep this aviation related, I will mention that the fitbit also counts flights of stairs climbed. It uses an internal altimeter (that is sort of aviation related) so it doesn't work on stair stepper exercise machines. It just counts the steps there. But it works great when you are actually climbing stairs. It also added about 40 flights of stairs to my statistics the first time I had it in the 172 and we climbed to about 3,000 ft. (more aviation tie-in) You have to be moving while changing altitude so I guess I must have been moving around a little while climbing. Descending doesn't count.

Most of the othermeasurements are made by the same type chip that is found in the Nintendo wii video games.

If you have any questions feel free to ask. Especially about the sleep monitor. It took me a while to figure that out. If you fall asleep while flying, you may need to know how long you were out).
Hope you like it. And in order to help keep this aviation related, I will mention that the fitbit also counts flights of stairs climbed. It uses an internal altimeter (that is sort of aviation related) so it doesn't work on stair stepper exercise machines. It just counts the steps there. But it works great when you are actually climbing stairs. It also added about 40 flights of stairs to my statistics the first time I had it in the 172 and we climbed to about 3,000 ft. (more aviation tie-in) You have to be moving while changing altitude so I guess I must have been moving around a little while climbing. Descending doesn't count.

Most of the othermeasurements are made by the same type chip that is found in the Nintendo wii video games.

If you have any questions feel free to ask. Especially about the sleep monitor. It took me a while to figure that out. If you fall asleep while flying, you may need to know how long you were out).
Thanks. The sleep feature is what sold me. $100 is slightly less than the multi-thousands for a sleep study and also more privately held.

Fortunately, if I fall asleep while flying, the other pilot will tell me how long I was out.
I use an Iphone app called Runkeeper to track hiking and biking activities. It's free, and it maps out your route as you go.
I got my FitBit 2 days ago and I love it. Not only does it work for more than 2 days in a row, but it comes along with a free subscription to a website that lets me log all sorts of fitness data - food, bp, the time. It records activity as steps, miles, calories burned, and floors climbed. There are a few motivational devices on the website, too, such a "badges" to be earned, goal-setting, graphs, charts, forum. It comes with a handy tiny, unobtrusive holster and a handy wrist pocket so that it can record activity while sleeping (or not).
I'm glad you are happy with it. I thought I lost mine a few times and I almost panicked. I keep closer track of this little thing than I do my billfold.
Ignore list? Well, her loss. Sometimes I post some gems.

Btw, I wasn't offended. Just struck me odd when two threads popped up not related to the section. Not sure if mods can 'move' threads here.

Captain, one of the main appeals of POA is it's lack of rigidity. We are allowed to wander off the subject, or even post things on the "wrong" forum.

In this particular case, Aunt Peggy is one of the few who foolishly took a hand in welcoming me aboard POA. I, for one, feel that she has been around this forum long enough to post whatever she wants, wherever she wants.

All that aside, we all are allowed to have fun now and then, and enjoy being part of POA.

I never liked rules anyway.

Thanks John,

It was never about Aunt Peggy for me. I wasn't picking on her specifically. Anyway, you can be certain I'll not take the cause up in PoA again! I did say up front that it's up to the users and clearly the users here don't mind a random thread popping up.

; )