DFW area - ADS to SEP?


Final Approach
Apr 24, 2012
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Brian Flynn
Question for local pilots in the DFW area - presume a flight plan from Addison airport to Stephensville for BBQ.

Will they let you fly south in the "crease" between Love and DFW or are they going to make you fly around the airports? Which way around, east or west?
50/50 shot.
Ask for over the top and you may get it.

If not, they will route you south past Love and then you can continue SW
Request east to west heading 270 over DFW after take off. I've done it both directions. Follow instructions so you don't mess it up for others. May get it, may not. After 3PM, less likely. I prefer to just go north a bit over Lewisville lake and be on my way.
um.... Also... When is the aforementioned BBQ run taking place?
I think north of DFW then turn SW around Alliance would be a better route then going south.
um.... Also... When is the aforementioned BBQ run taking place?

Hypothetically after work one day in a few weeks. I'm still working on getting stuff back in order for my medical, so I'm looking at one of the sport planes that are available at Addison. Starting to push my luck with sunset now...

Nothing seriously wrong, I'm trying to improve certain things to see if I can avoid a special issuance. Meanwhile, self grounded while working on those things, but I can still fly sport.
Do I smell a BBQ flyout in the near future? :)
(see what I did there? :lol: )

Keep us posted, us CTX folks might fly up and join y'all. You buyin'? ;)
1. Get Flight Following from Addison Ground

2. Once airborne and making contact with Regional Approach, tell the controller you have a request to overfly DFW.

3. If workload permits, they will assign altitude and vectors and have you fly over the center control tower, you'll be switched to a different frequency just before you pass over. Then on the other side, the new controller will vector you SW once you've passed out of the central airspace cylinder.

And do let us know when you're going to do this.... you've started a chain of hungry pilots who would be happy to join up on you.
Anything at SEP worth the extra hour up there for me as compared to Lockhart?
Anything at SEP worth the extra hour up there for me as compared to Lockhart?

Not really. Hard 8 is good bbq, but if you have to go an hour out of your way, just find a good local place.

I might mosey over with y'all if the day and time is right. Unless of course, that will put a damper on the event. :rofl:
That wasn't your original ask.

Fair enough. I was planning to go to Lockhart here in a week or so anyways, so I suppose I was wondering if it was worth changing those plans or planning another time.
Tki to fws normally gets direct love direct fws. Occasionally direct over top DFW/mavrick vor direct fws. North is a long way around. You basically get to Dto before they turn you. Remember once you accept ff and vectors you have to abide by them even when you get "remain clear of bravo..."

I have gotten vectored way down south though. It all depends on flow. This is both vfr ff and filed ifr. No two times the same.

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I would suggest you call up and mention you are friends with 6PC. You will get priority routing, guaranteed.
Anything at SEP worth the extra hour up there for me as compared to Lockhart?

Kirby's in Mexia (Limestone County) is a little closer to you. IMO, It's better than Hard 8, but it's an entirely different ethos.
Kirby's in Mexia (Limestone County) is a little closer to you. IMO, It's better than Hard 8, but it's an entirely different ethos.

Is cooper's as good as everyone says?
I am considering stopping there in my way to Jay's next week.
Kirby's in Mexia (Limestone County) is a little closer to you. IMO, It's better than Hard 8, but it's an entirely different ethos.

Kirby's looks like a bit of a jaunt. Do you walk it, or do they have crew cars?
Kirby's in Mexia (Limestone County) is a little closer to you. IMO, It's better than Hard 8, but it's an entirely different ethos.
How so different?

And how's the sauce? And I hate to ask with the ongoing obsession, but how about the slaw? I judge BBQ joints on their slaw as it's often overlooked. I've noticed that if they put time in the slaw, the rest tends to turn out alright.

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Is cooper's as good as everyone says?
I am considering stopping there in my way to Jay's next week.

Cooper's has always been very good, in my view. Better than Hard 8? Meh. Good enough, not so fancy.

How so different?

And how's the sauce? And I hate to ask with the ongoing obsession, but how about the slaw? I judge BBQ joints on their slaw as it's often overlooked. I've noticed that if they put time in the slaw, the rest tends to turn out alright.

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Nice perspective. Beans too... so easy to overlook. So good when done right.
Last couple of trips from home to KTKI using FF had me overflying KDFW at 3500 ft. Quite a sight!
How so different?

And how's the sauce? And I hate to ask with the ongoing obsession, but how about the slaw? I judge BBQ joints on their slaw as it's often overlooked. I've noticed that if they put time in the slaw, the rest tends to turn out alright.

It's really just a local place. No big pit, no haute barbecue cache, no running out of meat. It isn't really close enough to anything to be "popular," but it was full with locals when I was there.

The sauce is good. Ribs were great. I don't eat slaw.
Kirby's looks like a bit of a jaunt. Do you walk it, or do they have crew cars?
I think they do have a crew car, but I walked and it was not bad. Probably less than half a mile from the FBO.

I'm a bit of a BBQ snob, but like to try new places. Do we need to plan an Austin/Dallas BBQ run one Saturday?

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Is cooper's as good as everyone says?
I am considering stopping there in my way to Jay's next week.

Cooper's is okay. There is a whole lot of really good BBQ in Texas so taking that into account i'd give Cooper's maybe a 6 out of 10. I'd give Hard 8 in Stephenville a 5 out of 10 by way of comparison. Best BBQ is the Austin area (including Lockhart) and I'm not from there so am not biased. Just my experience.
Wade, are you TRYING to be an a**?? Cuz it is working marvelously! :lol:

Now grab a mop and come help clean up my drool, dagnabbit! :drool: :drool: :drool:

Nah, I was left unsupervised with a load of wood and a BBQ pit. This is why I want a hangar somewhere so I can do lunches at the airport!

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I think they do have a crew car, but I walked and it was not bad. Probably less than half a mile from the FBO.

They do have a crew car. One time it was an old minivan and another it was a really nice Lincoln (or some boat sized sedan). Kirby's is closed Sundays. Don't fly all the way down there and find out the hard way. You'll end up eating at the Drilling Rig.