Detergent pods poisoning


Pattern Altitude
Oct 24, 2007
Fontana, CA
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Fox McCloud,0,3886139.story
A 7-month-old boy died after eating a laundry detergent packet in Kissimmee last week — highlighting the dangers poison-control officials have been warning of for more than a year as the products have become wildly popular among consumers.

I never fully understood this. Yes it's brightly colored and halfway looks like candy but I still don't get it. I've never tasted detergent before but does it actually taste good?
If you can't child-proof the cupboard, we don't gain any benefit from you breeding.
But if it's not on top of the clothes you'll forget the soap.
It's not like a seven month old child can go walk up and open the container, how about smack the parents with child endangerment charges for not watching their kid.

RT Screen Designs
This was just a question of time.
Tiny kids eat anything they can get their hands on. Urinal cakes, detergent pods, whatever. Storage security/location is the issue, not the product.

I'm told I ate Drano crystals when I was a child. It apparently made me smarter and better looking. I recommend it for everyone. ;-)