Dealing with unaddressed squawks in rentals

As a renter, I expect the aircraft to be 100%, not merely airworthy. Is this unreasonable?

In a perfect universe, no. In this universe, yes - your expectations are too high.
Lower the expectations to "if the engine starts".
As a renter, I expect the aircraft to be 100%, not merely airworthy. Is this unreasonable?

Based on my experience with FBOs and rental aircraft, yes it is.

They just don't care unless it's an airworthiness issue, and that's just how it is. Frustrating..
Be grateful they're willing to rent it to you. My attitude in dealing with rentals always started with gratitude that the plane was available to me.
Yep. No way will I ever buy a plane and let people ruin it by slamming the door over and over like it's made of armour plating, never noticing the seat belt is caught in the door. Or landing on the nose gear. Or melting the starter by grinding it with the mixture in idle cut-off. Or backfiring a hole in the muffler by turning the key to 'Off' during the mag check. Or running the engine all day at 'rental power'. Or having their kids vomit all over the seats. I could go on... :(

Missing trim and the like I don't care but when the brakes fail 3 times in a 15 day period.... can't gloss over than one.

They should placard the plane with 'Heels on the floor while taking off and landing'.