Cut n Paste New Post


Pattern Altitude
Sep 20, 2013
Columbus, OH
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I created a lengthy post in notepad and every time I attempt to cut and paste it into a new post of a new thread, it autofills with an 'old' version of my revised text. I have cleared my browser cache several times (Chrome & SeaMonkey), closed my browser, logged off the forum for over an hour, but the cache persists (somewhere). Is this a feature of the forum or is the contents of my RAM being exfiltrated to a pastbin somewhere for Russians to exploit?
I've noticed that too. I imagine they view autosaving drafts as a feature. NoScript seems to nuke it.
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Arrgh, after two reboots it is still doing it, I go to create a new thread and my stale info still shows up. I have a script blocker running as well in SeaMonkey.
On a related note, I notice that if I paste something in, it doesn't show until I actually post the reply. However, if I cut something, it disappears immediately.
The draft autosave does come in handy if you need to switch devices or computers.

I've also noticed the "invisible paste" thing but it's inconsistent. I can't figure out the specific thing that triggers it.

(And now that I'm mostly back over to Tapatalk, I probably will never figure it out, since I won't see it.)
Speaking of software about to go on the "considered harmful" pile... I got a voicemail on skype the other day. There's no way to delete it. I guess they really wanted to drive the point home that they're saving a copy of everything, forever. I suppose there's a certain honesty in that.
I just ran into the paste bug. The problem appears to be that, after the paste, the display is not refreshed. You can test this by typing and pasting a few times into the new post box, then clicking on "More Options." All the pastes will appear there, but that box is wonky too. Still basically a refresh problem, though.

I am running Firefox 44.0.2 and am too lazy to test other browsers. I have seen some weirdness from forum software in the past that is limited to FF.
Test Note

This is a test note.

Seems to work as advertised in Safari on iPad. I started a reply then pasted the above from the Notes app.

None of my first draft is showing.
I waited a day and the issue resolved itself. Like a cache expired or something; sure felt like a proxy issue, who knows? :)
Text editing is terrible if you use a PC and hot keys for cut copy paste. I'm resisting the whole cut over to the tablet look in software anyway. When tablets gain processing power, the the visual details being purged now will come back. It's just churn.
If your text in the reply box is saved, then you want to delete it, you need to wait a number of seconds until your deletion is saved. I'm not sure how many seconds it takes but it's way under a minute.