Current - After a 40 Year Break


Line Up and Wait
Mar 17, 2013
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As of Saturday, 10am PST, I'm current again after a 40 year break, having passed my BFR and medical. Whoppeeeeee! I'm going to make up for lost time! IFR here I come.

Thanks to the many members who have become my on-line mentors already. I'm a pilot again, and it's going to stay that way.

P.S. - The Piper I solo'ed in was exactly like the one I solo'ed in back in 1973. What goes around...

congrats! I took a 27 year break so I know the feeling!

Now, go forth and aviate - and tell us all about it!

By the way - that Warrior has exactly the same paint job as the one that I did my solo
Congratulations and welcome back! Once a pilot, always a pilot!

That's cool; especially that it is the same aircraft.
Once aviation is in your blood it never goes away.
Glad to have you back on this side of the statistics (active vs inactive).
Congratulations, and welcome back. I too took a long break (26 yrs), but I'm current and working in the IFR. I think the IFR is a good way to sharpen some of the duller skills.

When I look up on a clear day, I no longer have to say "I used to ...".
When I look up on a cloudy day, I'm still thinking "... soon"

Stay with it brother.
Thanks, all! Still working on my confidence...trying to fly every day. Talking to an instructor about getting IFR and starting to look for a Warrior to purchase. Great to be back!
Congrats Bob! But it's not a BFR until your next one. This one was a QFR (Quadradecadal Flight Review).
Thats awesome, I took a 30 year break myself.

I am glad to be back and getting ready for IFR

Good job. 34 years off here. Now the real fun begins!
Thanks Dr. Chen...who helped keep me sane while I stressed out about my medical! What a great service he offers!