CTAF interference over Wyoming?


Pre-takeoff checklist
Mar 11, 2019
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Last year when I flew across Wyoming, past Casper and Converse county, I heard what sounded like a radio station playing on CTAF 122.8. I thought it was weird, asked the gal at the FBO in Converse county who didn't know anything about it. I just flew through Wyoming again and heard the same weird interference.

Does anybody know what's going on?
We had a similar problem here. A local radio station had a bad transmitter that was spilling over onto other frequencies. We finally caught a station announcement and figured out which one.
Yes, the best way is to identify the station if you can. The FCC actually does care about such things, I've used them to hunt down odd things before. It might not be the station you are hearing's fault directly, but there can be some odd mixing with other transmitters.
Thanks guys, I sent an email to the FCC stating my observations.
Several years ago here in NM there was a church that was bleeding over on a center frequency. It was only heard on Sunday morning and Sunday night.

Lowest bidder and all...
FYI- you can’t as an individual file a complaint directly to the FCC, it has to go through the FAA according to the FCC rep that just called me.

Edit: they just called me back and said nvm yes they will escalate the complaint o_O
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FYI- you can’t as an individual file a complaint directly to the FCC, it has to go through the FAA according to the FCC rep that just called me.

Edit: they just called me back and said nvm yes they will escalate the complaint o_O

Gotta love the bureaucracy....

Anyway, sounds like there will at least be an investigation. :)
Do you really think a person at an FBO in wyoming knows anything about aviation ? My dad ran an airport for years and what he hated the most was when a pilot came through the door telling him what his TAS was. Those hillbillies don't know anything about flying. They can barely get you some 100LL.
Really? Hillbilly’s in Wyoming?? That’s a cheap shot.

It’s part of our keeping people out of this great state

100ll is no problem and yes, we are very educated about flying, I dare you to try to fly in Cheyenne, we have some of the strongest winds in the nation, you get good really quickly here.
Really? Hillbilly’s in Wyoming?? That’s a cheap shot.

It’s part of our keeping people out of this great state

100ll is no problem and yes, we are very educated about flying, I dare you to try to fly in Cheyenne, we have some of the strongest winds in the nation, you get good really quickly here.
Born in Laramie. Cheyenne is for chumps that cant get into laramie.
Alright that’s enough, please take the trolling elsewhere.

The winds are fierce and some seriously gnarly DA’s in the summer time!
Landed a DA40 like a helicopter once in Rock-springs when I had a sick Angelflight Passenger, that I needed to get down. Going Denver to SLC. Close to 40 knot winds with ? Been a long time 49 knot stall on the DA40? Seriously thought about landing on the ramp which was better aligned with the winds. Yeah, calm winds in the plains of WY is anything below 20 knots ;-)
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First off, Wyoming is perhaps my favorite state. My plane was based at CYS for some months... it taught me a lot about how much X-wind my Skywagon (and I) can handle. I once did Gusting to 37knots 40* off the nose.

Then I moved away, and it amazes me the amount of pilots that wont fly in more than 10-12knot winds... then they think I'm reckless for flying in 15 knots :eek: :eek:
After living/flying in New Mexico and Alaska I am looking forward to the calm breeze in Wyoming. :lol:

When I was working in Alaska we had no maximum wind cut off in the companies, (until the Medallion Safety Program came to town) so it was left up to the pilot. Landing on packed snow and ice runways with a 45 degree crab angle and holding that crab angle on the roll out did make me a little nervous. It was easier to do that in the twin where I could use differential power to stay on the runway.

I have landed a 207 in 60-65 knot sustained winds where the roll out was measured in inches. Also landed on ramps or the road leading to the landing strip because winds were no where near favorable to the landing strip.

Man, I was nuts back then....:lol:
Born in Laramie. Cheyenne is for chumps that cant get into laramie.

Chump?? Really?? Just because we don’t live in Laramie.
I don’t get it, is there’s gate across 80 that blocks people that have a chump card?? A rent a cop that stops people?..
I just don’t get it.

I’m usually pretty quiet on the board and thick skinned but those comments were uncalled for
Chump?? Really?? Just because we don’t live in Laramie.
I don’t get it, is there’s gate across 80 that blocks people that have a chump card?? A rent a cop that stops people?..
I just don’t get it.

I’m usually pretty quiet on the board and thick skinned but those comments were uncalled for
I'm sorry, I don't know you were a Wyoming native. You seemed to take a shot in my direction for not knowing what Wyoming has to offer and I countered. I grew up and spent many years around Wyoming FBOs and I can tell you one thing from my 40 years of experience. The employees at the desks and on the line are not your most aviation knowledgeable in the country. They are there to work a job and then head home. Your comment made it sound like every worker in the FBO is an expert at all things aviation.