Creating a Flight Log/Ops Book - Suggestions?


Pre-takeoff checklist
Jul 2, 2013
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I'm creating a flight log/OPs book for my plane. I often times see these in rental airplanes but figured it would be handy to have in mine as well. What kinds of things should go in there?

Dates of last inspections (annual, pitot static/transponder, etc.). Makes, models, serial numbers of airframes, engines, props, etc. I can put the POH in there if needed, along with weight and balance and spare checklists that I have.
Don't forget VOR checks, who flew it, where it went, and purpose of flight (business/pleasure) along with Hobbs/tach times.
Don't forget VOR checks, who flew it, where it went, and purpose of flight (business/pleasure) along with Hobbs/tach times.
I'm the sole owner and the only one who flies it so I'm not sure I need a log sheet for flight since that goes into my log book anyway. Any other recommendations?
I'm the sole owner and the only one who flies it so I'm not sure I need a log sheet for flight since that goes into my log book anyway. Any other recommendations?
Yes -- don't ask for a flight log if you don't want a flight log.
Yes -- don't ask for a flight log if you don't want a flight log.
Perhaps the wording should have been different then. The idea was to have pertinent information in the aircraft that was easily accessible, such as when the inspections are due and what not. I was asking for suggestions as to what else should go in there. If I'm the only one who flies it I'm not sure I see the need to have a sheet with when it was used, where it was taken, for how long, etc. when I can check my log book for that. If you think there's a reason to still have it, I'd like to hear it. I'm not opposed to it I'm just unsure of the need for it with me being the only one who flies it.
Don't forget VOR checks, who flew it, where it went, and purpose of flight (business/pleasure) along with Hobbs/tach times.

Plus, dates the GPS database was updated, if equipped.

Maybe the tach time of the last oil change or other routine maintenance (e.g., tire pressure check), and of each quart of oil added (this will tell you if the consumption is getting excessive).
Gallons of fuel used and wither it was topped off or partial fill. Helps to track GPH changes and give you a better feel how much fuel usage you can expect per hour of flight.
Perhaps the wording should have been different then. The idea was to have pertinent information in the aircraft that was easily accessible, such as when the inspections are due and what not. I was asking for suggestions as to what else should go in there. If I'm the only one who flies it I'm not sure I see the need to have a sheet with when it was used, where it was taken, for how long, etc. when I can check my log book for that. If you think there's a reason to still have it, I'd like to hear it. I'm not opposed to it I'm just unsure of the need for it with me being the only one who flies it.
There is definitely a need for a maintenance action reminder system even if you are the only one who flies the plane. You can keep it in the plane, or make a whiteboard or grease pencil board and put it on the wall of your hangar, or (as I do), put it on your cell phone or tablet. If you don't, eventually it will bite you one way or another. But I don't see keeping it in the plane as being essential.

What I'd put on such a list would be the "AV1ATE" items (annual, VOR, 100-hour if necessary, altimeter/static, transponder, and ELT {both annual ops check and battery expiration}), GPS update, oil changes, recurrent AD's, and life-limited or other time change/maintain components (like vacuum filters or my Challenger air filter which must be cleaned and re-oiled every hundred hours or my rudder springs which should be changed every 1000 hours or my primer nozzles which seem to need cleaning every 400 hours or so).

Is that more of what you wanted?
In the header of each page we put 50 hr oil change time, annual due date, pitot-static date due date, and ELT battery change date. Additional sheets include VOR check log, W&B, squawks, and insurance info. will track aircraft maintenance items in addition to your logbook entries. All in one place and accessible both through a browser and their app.
There is definitely a need for a maintenance action reminder system even if you are the only one who flies the plane. You can keep it in the plane, or make a whiteboard or grease pencil board and put it on the wall of your hangar, or (as I do), put it on your cell phone or tablet. If you don't, eventually it will bite you one way or another. But I don't see keeping it in the plane as being essential.

What I'd put on such a list would be the "AV1ATE" items (annual, VOR, 100-hour if necessary, altimeter/static, transponder, and ELT {both annual ops check and battery expiration}), GPS update, oil changes, recurrent AD's, and life-limited or other time change/maintain components (like vacuum filters or my Challenger air filter which must be cleaned and re-oiled every hundred hours or my rudder springs which should be changed every 1000 hours or my primer nozzles which seem to need cleaning every 400 hours or so).

Is that more of what you wanted?
Yes, thanks!

airheadpenguin said: will track aircraft maintenance items in addition to your logbook entries. All in one place and accessible both through a browser and their app.
I didn't realize this but I'll have to check it out since I use MyFlightBook.

Thanks to everyone else who provided suggestions as well.