Crazy BIL at it again


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Castle Rock, CO
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Everything Offends Me's in danger again. Gotta love it. This time, I called the police right away, and they're gonna come by my house after work so I can file a police report and hopefully get a restraining order against him....

While I have friends and family locally watching for me, just in case, in case anyone here doesn't hear from me for a few days (watch the log in report if possible):

My name is **********
His name is Austin Luke -----------
(edited out number. I am no longer in fear that he's coming over)

And no, I'm not going to do anything to him. This time, I'm laying back and letting the police deal with it completely.
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WTF? Are we supposed to know what's going on?

I forgot, the old thread was deleted....Brother in law is a nutcase, threatens to kill me every time my sister and him fight, because somehow I have her brainwashed that he's evil. He cheats on her, and I made the mistake back in August of telling him he's a jackass.

So now, he gets drunk, threatens my sister and then threatens to kill me. It came to a head back in December, where I had my gun on my hip, sitting by the front door of my house, waiting for him to bust into my house. He never did, because my sister ran out on him and he instead chased her down....

I later went and picked up my sister from running around the neighborhood away from him. The thread was deleted because apparently self defense can be construed as intent to kill, when in reality, I was just waiting for him to try to kill me. Probably for the best, because I really have no desire to kill anyone, and will ONLY do it should it get to the point where its my life or his.

This time, I called the cops right away, and I'm pretty sure I'm getting a restraining order against the bastard.
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Yikes! Sorry, I've never experienced anything even remotely like this! Good luck. I really hope you don't have to discharge a firearm at the fellow, I suspect that even if the situation called for it, you will have huge legal and financial troubles for some time to come.
Wow, now that was a cool police officer. She took the report, is going to visit him, and said: "You still have those guns? If he shows up, call us, if it looks like he has a weapon, if you can, let us kill him, but do NOT hesitate if you are in danger."

Got a nice piece of advice: "2 to center mass (chest), one to the head." Since we're using shotguns, that may be overkill.
:hairraise::rofl: I don't know whether to laugh or be terrified!

I think the word I would choose is, "reassured."

Bad situation, I'm betting on Nick. I know I'd feel mighty good having him on my team in a tight spot.


Nick: Be safe, really.
Nick, stay sober until this blows over. If the BIL attacks, you need all your senses working at 100%. It will also make the legal aftermath much more smooth. No jury wants to hear "I had a few drinks then shot a man in self defense."

I'm pretty sure I'm getting a restraining order against the bastard.

Some advice. Change 'pretty sure' to 'definately' and get an RO against him, without hesitation. This situation could turn into a life changing event in a second, and not for the better.

And the Restraining Order will help a LOT if you do have to shoot him - it will have documented and pre-judged the level of threat against you.

It makes a difference in a review of a shooting. Prosecutors are much less likely to press a case against a person who kills someone if the dead guy had already been found to be a threat by a judge.
This time, I called the cops right away, and I'm pretty sure I'm getting a restraining order against the bastard.

Some advice. Change 'pretty sure' to 'definately' and get an RO against him, without hesitation. This situation could turn into a life changing event in a second, and not for the better.


I think Nick is "pretty sure" that his request for the RO will be granted not that he's "pretty sure" he's going to ask for the RO.
I think Nick is "pretty sure" that his request for the RO will be granted not that he's "pretty sure" he's going to ask for the RO.

Yeppers! I got a call, have to go downtown today and fill out some more paperwork. They sure don't make these ROs easy to get, do they?

Cops called him last night, he asked my sister "Why was that necessary? He started the fight by calling me an *******."

Some people don't get that you don't respond to name calling with death threats. Especially when the name calling happened over a year ago, and the death threats have continued ever since.