Cool Puppies Story!

Similar story for me about my cats..... They chose me. Both were stray kittens that just started following me around the salvage yard.

And my dog, Sugar, was a PnP dog that became a foster failure when I adopted her before we had a chance to fly her to Mountain Pet Rescue.
Sadly, there are folks in that part of the country will just drop off puppies and kittens to leave them to die.

I once came across 4 puppies on the side of the road that barely had their eyes open. Someone had dropped them off on the side of the road near where I live. I was able to get the (no kill) animal shelter to take two of them, and someone else that drove up took the other two.

My cat and dog came to us when they were both abandoned on my property.
I've got a baseball bat for people that abuse animals. That story made national news tonight, they are a great pair of dogs. All of my 5 dogs and 5 cats I found on the street, except my Great Pyenees, she's from Great Pyrenees rescue in Atlanta. But she was found on the street, pregnant.
I've got a baseball bat for people that abuse animals. That story made national news tonight, they are a great pair of dogs. All of my 5 dogs and 5 cats I found on the street, except my Great Pyenees, she's from Great Pyrenees rescue in Atlanta. But she was found on the street, pregnant.
That’s a bit over the top ....
Our construction site here, and in fact most of the area, is covered in feral dogs. Two of them just had a total of nine puppies that are living under a stack of pipe near our workshop. Sadly I think they'll come poison them soon.
Friends of mine adopted a couple puppies that got left at the side of the road near them. They're enormous dogs named Wallace and Grommit.
ok now I want a bat.

I flew a commercial flight once and we had a container of bats as cargo. I think it was going to an Army base, Ft Rucker. Maybe they were gonna teach them to fly helicopters.
Karen and I got into dog rescue after these 5 were dropped in our driveway:


Two were adopted out locally, two went to Florida and one is still owned by Karen’s son’s family.