Controllers with old information?

Jim K

Final Approach
PoA Supporter
Mar 31, 2019
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Richard Digits
Flying down to rough river, I was on an IFR flight plan to i93, the nearest airport with an approach. I was talking to Evansville approach, and she asked me what approach I would like. I responded "the RNAV 10”

A couple minutes later, she comes back and says "you are headed to i93 right? Im showing the runways as 9/27”. A moment of panic...I check my plate and confirm that it's not expired....I check the airport data in GP.... Both show runways 10/28, so I say "affirmative i93, my plate shows 10/28"


Another couple minutes and she clears me for the RNAV 10.

The approach plates list Louisville approach as the controlling facility.... I'm assuming she doesn't normally work this airport, but maybe was helping out Louisville? Seems odd they wouldn't have basic info like that if they're regularly working planes in there. @RDUPilot and @kayoh190 had landed there about an hour ahead of me, but they were probably already talking to Louisville coming from the east.
From comments the controller made when we came in. I think the approaches there are pretty new.
I wonder if it has anything to do with it being on the border of two facilities. I know it is on the border given that half of us were with Louisville approach and the other half with Evansville approach. Also what’s with grabbing that Wx off of the VOR (109.6?).
Also what’s with grabbing that Wx off of the VOR (109.6?).
There was one of those up at Willmar too (KBDH). Another argument for keeping that NAV radio around.

Maybe Louisville just doesn't like me. On the way home I tried to open my IFR flight plan with them, and they just ignored me until they told me to switch to Evansville.
I wonder if it has anything to do with it being on the border of two facilities. I know it is on the border given that half of us were with Louisville approach and the other half with Evansville approach. Also what’s with grabbing that Wx off of the VOR (109.6?).
It would. Being near the border of different Approach Controls airspace with Approaches coming in from opposite directions. The airport will be in one of them and that’s the name and frequency that will be on the Chart. That Approach can just clear you without coordinating with the other. But if being cleared from the other direction by the other facility, it will have to coordinate with the ‘owning’ facility so to speak. Place I worked where this happened was at Burbank Approach, now combined with Socal Approach. Santa Monica KSMO was in Los Angeles’s airspace but most Approaches were aligned with runway 21. Burbank gave the clearance after coordinating with Los Angeles. Los Angeles was responsible to give the inbound to the Tower. Burbank shipped the plane to Tower. Los Angeles would run the runway 03 Approaches, but they were rare.