Computer mouse setting?


Touchdown! Greaser!
May 20, 2009
Display Name

Display name:
Right Seater
Something changed on my system (Windows 10 w Logitech wireless mouse).

After a period of inactivity, the mouse pointer stops responding to mouse movement unless I "left click". Then it works fine and keeps working as long as I stay busy. That would be ok except that often the mouse pointer is over something and when left click, it activates whatever the pointer is hovered over, often doing something I don't want it to do.

Anybody got any ideas what setting that could be? Of am I having some sort of hardware issue?
I am assuming that troubleshooting step #1 is completed. You could try pulling the USB receiver, wait a potato, and put it back in. That will reset the signal and might correct the problem.
Never assume competency, even from someone that should know better.
I'll try that when I get home tonight.
What about if you just hit the shift button on your keyboard, or some other key that is innocuous on its own? What about a right mouse click rather than left?
I have a somewhat similar problem with a wireless mouse. It sometimes gets into a state in which it takes a second or two to start responding to movement or clicks. Restarting the computer may or may not clear the problem. So far, I haven't been able to identify any pattern as to when it does and doesn't occur.
I have the problem occasionally too. On Win platforms. Never had this sort of trouble on MacOS.
What about if you just hit the shift button on your keyboard, or some other key that is innocuous on its own? What about a right mouse click rather than left?
I’ve tried both of those things. It just shows where the pointer is but it doesn’t free up the pointer until I “left click”.
2nd the idea about checking the battery
3rd the idea. My mouse gets flakey when the battery is about out of juice.
I agree with battery.

Remove - reinsert mouse dongle

If not

[reset hardware]
shutdown PC
turn it back on

[Reset software]
Restart PC

Check driver status in Control Panel/Device Manager

[check OS integrity]
Admin command prompt
sfc /scannow
Check that it reports no errors

(... more if errors not repaired by sfc)
Have you already looks for bad drivers and USB conflicts? If you are using 3rd party drivers on the devices, delete those and use the Windows drivers. You can always reinstall them if you need them.