Communications At The Show


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Jul 8, 2008
Grass Valley, CA (KGOO)
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What is the preferred method of communications at The Show?

1. Cell phone/text (and who has a directory or should I start one).
2. FRS radio and if so, is there a non-kiddie channel.
3. Amateur (ham) radio.
4. Smoke signal, semaphore, flash-lights, or other method.


What is the preferred method of communications at The Show?

1. Cell phone/text (and who has a directory or should I start one).
2. FRS radio and if so, is there a non-kiddie channel.
3. Amateur (ham) radio.
4. Smoke signal, semaphore, flash-lights, or other method.



Nowadays, it's cell phones. With my kids, it's often text, but I find them annoyingly easy to miss.

I remember when we used to give the kids those little 2-way radios, like we use with our housekeepers. They were great, for a year. Then EVERYONE had them, and you couldn't find an open frequency.

I'm amazed that it's possible to get cell service at Oshkosh, with that many people in one place, but it's been flawless the last few years. I usually use my cell phone to set up a hotspot for our tablets, our in the N40, since the EAA wifi is usually about as effective as two tin cans connected with string.

Honestly, I have no idea why they can't figure out wifi. I know it's annoying to set it up for such a brief period, but it sure would be nice to have.
I suspect their main connection is probably overloaded.

Jay - what do you use for wifi at the hotel?
I suspect their main connection is probably overloaded.

Jay - what do you use for wifi at the hotel?
We have DSL feeding two transmitters. It's a bit sketchy in the way back, so I'm thinking about adding a third.
After last year's disappiontment with wifi at OSH, I bought a FreedomPop myfi. It cost 80 dollars and I get 500mb a month with no monthly charge. That's enough for me to check the weather and send email.
After last year's disappiontment with wifi at OSH, I bought a FreedomPop myfi. It cost 80 dollars and I get 500mb a month with no monthly charge. That's enough for me to check the weather and send email.
Tell me more. How does it work? Speeds?

I have terrible internet access at my hangar, and am tired of trying to suck the internet through a 3G (best I can get here) cellular connection.
You want to post it here, or by PM?

I'd prefer to post it on my web page with a password only given to those who consent to put their phone numbers & emails on the list. Sort of a members-only thing. That way if you can remember the password (and it will be an easy one like North40Hops or something on that order) then you can retrieve it on the field if you forget it at home or in the airplane. Howzat???

I'd prefer to post it on my web page with a password only given to those who consent to put their phone numbers & emails on the list. Sort of a members-only thing. That way if you can remember the password (and it will be an easy one like North40Hops or something on that order) then you can retrieve it on the field if you forget it at home or in the airplane. Howzat???

Sounds good to me. Where shall we send the data?
I haven't broken out my ham ht in a while. Would it even be worth the trouble? I see a repeater not listed inop on the RST freqs page, at least.
Tell me more. How does it work? Speeds?

I have terrible internet access at my hangar, and am tired of trying to suck the internet through a 3G (best I can get here) cellular connection.

It's a cell modem, so you will be stuck at 3G still.
Sounds good to me. Where shall we send the data?

email in the following format to: and I'll put it into an Excel database:

lname1, lname2, fname1, fname2, cellphone1, cellphone2, email1, email2, OSHlocation, HOMElocation, comments

For example

Weir, X, Jim, Cyndi, 530-575-2553, 802-555-1212,,, Camp Scholler, Grass Valley CA, arriving Sunday, leaving Thursday.

Note that to leave a field blank, put an X into the field or leave it blank, don't skip it.

PLEASE PUT "OSHKOSH" into the subject line on your email to me.

I will email you back with instructions on how to download the data and the password for the web page with the data.


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Cutoff to be included in the Oshkosh phone directory is noon on Sunday the 12th. I can't guarantee that I will have access to change the directory after tomorrow.


Companies have been trucking in cell sites special for years. I notice from the Airventure webcams that one has shown up just south of the Vintage plaza
KMCI base here. The Subaru has landed.

Two days enroute, 13 hour drives each day. I'm friggin' beat.

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How's everything look, Jim? Looks like a bunch of rain the last few days...

We are in the middle of an incipient thunderbumper here in KC. I wish to the Great Horned Spoon they'd send some of this water west. We live on the top of a huge abandoned gold mine and the shafts have filled up with water over the last 150 years. The solid quartz walls won't let the water escape so our well shouldn't go dry for another hundred years or so. But everybody else is in a world of hurt.

I thought you were in OSH?

Gold, eh? Tried mining your land?

We're at Cyndi's place in KC. Leaving for OSH Saturday evening, spending a little time sleeping at the I-80 truck stop in Davenport and then pressing on to OSH early Sunday morning.

All of the Mother Lode has deed restrictions for mineral extraction from 75' below the surface of the ground on down to the center of the earth.

HOWEVER, if you know what you are doing, most of the fast-running creeks and all of the rivers have enough places that you can pan/placer out enough in a day to make your time worthwhile (especially at $1200 an ounce or whatever it is now).

There is a new phone/email list posted at and in the Oshkosh 15 link. The following folks are in that link:

Von Tresckow


And now the Honecks. :)
Ah, no. Nothing from you yet. I'm operating with kerosene powered computers here running just a little better than DOS. If you don't include OSHKOSH in the title or use the format you fall into that big bit bucket in the sky. Otherwise I comb over 77,000 email messages one by one to find you.

Sorry, I'm doing the best I can under very primitive conditions here at the Cyndi Towers here in KC.

Here is the full list as of 2100 Central. TOMORROW (SATURDAY) NOON IS THE ABSOLUTE CUTOFF TIME.

Von Tresckow

email in the following format to: and I'll put it into an Excel database:

lname1, lname2, fname1, fname2, cellphone1, cellphone2, email1, email2, OSHlocation, HOMElocation, comments

For example

Weir, X, Jim, Cyndi, 530-575-2553, 802-555-1212,,, Camp Scholler, Grass Valley CA, arriving Sunday, leaving Thursday.

Note that to leave a field blank, put an X into the field or leave it blank, don't skip it.

PLEASE PUT "OSHKOSH" into the subject line on your email to me.Thanks,

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