Commend in public, correct in private

Pilots Of America Management

MC Announcements and Communication
Management Council Member
Mar 11, 2005
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Pilots of America Management
We would like to remind all members not to use the forums or chat area to chastise or otherwise attempt to correct the behavior of others on this site, including the chat area. Such actions generally seem to inflame the situation rather than calm it, especially given the public nature of such posts. When called out publicly, the corrected party often feels compelled to to defend his/her original statements or to pick at the correcting party. In addition, the original post may not have actually violated our RoC, and then we are forced to intervene to correct the correcter in a way that may not be easily kept private (we prefer to "commend in public but correct in private").

This is not to say we don't want folks to discuss the various sides of an issue, but if you feel someone has violated the PoA Rules of Conduct, bring it to our attention by using the "bad post" button (the red-edged triangle with the ! in the middle). This not only flags the post, but sends an alerting email to the Management Council members. We will investigate the matter to determine if action is required, and if it is, will do so privately.

If you don't wish to take it to the MC, you may choose to send the person a PM (which by our rules is to be kept private by the recipient unless the sender agrees otherwise), and try to resolve it off line. However, if you do that, keep in mind two things. First, if something blows up, we can retrieve all PM's exchanged via this site (as well as all chats) to determine if either party has violated our rules in the process. Second, in the interest of civility, we prefer that such disputes be handled dispassionately by the MC rather than personally by individuals.

Thank you for your cooperation,
PoA Management Council
Discussion of this news article may take place here.
Chuck, you taking a course in legal speak? I don't get it (I just woke up, so maybe that's why).
Chuck, you taking a course in legal speak? I don't get it (I just woke up, so maybe that's why).

I think he is trying to say we should all be more like Southerns than New Yorkers.

Say nice things and play nice to people in public and then curse them in private instead of just letting them know how you really feel up front.
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I think he is trying to say we should all be more like Southerns than New Yorkers.

Say nice things and play nice to people in public and then curse them in private instead of just letting them know how you really feel up front.

I didn't write it, I just copied it here for feedback. ;)

For some strange reason, I feel like I'm repeating myself! :D
Commend in public, correct in private, that's what I was taught in Air Force OTS. It works every time it's tried - kinda like abstinence for birth control.
Commend in public, correct in private, that's what I was taught in Air Force OTS. It works every time it's tried - kinda like abstinence for birth control.

And all this time I thought those two little words, "I do", was the best birth control :rofl: :rolleyes: :D
Discussion of this news article may take place here.

Unless we disagree with it!

Just joking!!!

But it did seem mildly ironic for a moment; we can't correct the concept in this thread but we might commend it!

Take this post seriously at your own risk! :D I just have a weakness for seeking out such word/mind games.
I think he is trying to say we should all be more like Southerns than New Yorkers.

Say nice things and play nice to people in public and then curse them in private instead of just letting them know how you really feel up front.

That's not really southern. It may look that way, but the southern tendency is to really continue to act nice to someone (AND behind their back) right up until the point you are mad enough to bust their head...and then to bust their head, kick their butt....

I'm actually pretty much a believer and practitionar of this. I'll shake your hand and call you "sir" right up to the point I'm mad enough to fetch the dueling pistols and mint juleps for a dawn meeting. :D

Well, ok. Very strong, very sweet iced tea. Mint juleps can make you shoot and miss.

EDIT: I should have said, I'm using "you" in the general sense (not a correct place to use "y'all!") and certainly not directed at Eamon or any posters here! Just want to make that clear! :redface:
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You mean that we should be civil with each other? Wow, what a concept. Hopefully everyone will make an effort, will be more enjoyable for everyone!
You mean that we should be civil with each other? Wow, what a concept. Hopefully everyone will make an effort, will be more enjoyable for everyone!
I'm very picky about who I want to enjoy!