Colorado Pilots - Jan 23


Tied Down
Nov 8, 2009
Denver, CO
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Better late than never, I guess...

I have a passenger who'd like to go south tomorrow, wants to meet up a bit later since he'll be at church in the morning. Meeting at KAPA at 13:00 local.

Probably head down to KPUB in the 182, weather permitting, and "just 'cause it's there", since he says he's never been down there.
Breakfast is all day at PUB as well as a lunch menu. 2-2:30?
Sounds about right for showing him the airplane a bit, pre-flight and gettin' down there... See you there.

Cell 303-594-5444 if anyone needs it for any reason...
Sorry I didn't make it - but not really. Heard/saw Clark take-off while I was replacing light bulbs (beacon, one of the wing tips). Took another look at the weather, took stock of my mild exhaustion (been working on a contract that's a true nightmare - half the software hasn't been updated since 2002 and some of it requires WinNT! Which is why I've recommended getting rid of it)
No problem. It was Clark & Bob M my passenger who's an out-of-current pilot who's struggling with figuring out if he wants to use his VA benefits to do flight training or not. And I just learned that I called Clark, Greg, all day. Sigh. I'll get names right eventually. Sorry Clark! (Clark's so gracious he never said a word.). Haha.
And I just learned that I called Clark, Greg, all day. Sigh. I'll get names right eventually. Sorry Clark! (Clark's so gracious he never said a word.). Haha.
What is it about the name Greg? I get called that so often that I'm starting to answer to it!:hairraise:

Glad you guys had a good time! :yes:
Heck if someone wanted to talk airplanes with me for an hour or two and called me Greg the whole time, I wouldn't complain. Greg it is! :D

But I hope I didn't offend Clark! ;)

I asked Clark if he's ever done Gaston's... He said he hasn't. I'm thinking about it. That's a relatively short hop from here. He says he does 6Y9 which I don't know if that fits my calendar this year. Gaston's might fit calendar-wise, but it might be a budget-buster for me with the Instrument rating starting up here as soon as 79M is out of the avionics shop. Annual is also right after the avionics visit this year...

Have a couple of airshow trips on the calendar and some CAP stuff already too. Flying commecial to DC to see T-Birds, Blues, and F-22 at Andrews AFB. Fly myself, the Mrs and dad to Lincoln, NE to see the Blues again in the fall, plus Oshkosh...

So much fun stuff, so little time. Never pre-planned to burn so much vacation time in a year before, ever.
..And I just learned that I called Clark, Greg, all day. Sigh. I'll get names right eventually. Sorry Clark! (Clark's so gracious he never said a word.). Haha.

What is it about the name Greg? I get called that so often that I'm starting to answer to it!:hairraise:

Glad you guys had a good time! :yes:

A different twists to the above, I get called Gary a lot. At first, I thought it was because our oldest son is named Gary. Then I started noticing it from a number of different folks who didn't know that. :dunno: guess I look like a Gary.