Checkride Weather?


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Jul 21, 2010
Chattanooga, TN
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My PPL Checkride is scheduled for this Friday, and our local weather is showing 40% chance scattered thunderstorms. Were in the summertime pattern of pop up storms here and there mainly in the afternoon and evening, so its hit and miss. Do DPE's work around this type of stuff in the summer months or does it get rescheduled. Im really hoping nothing pops up around my area. Anyone experienced this type of thing before?
In my case the weather was 2700 ft agl overcast, we still did all the maneuvers including power on stalls.
The day of my pvt checkride was a crappy day (MVFR at best). We got the ground part out of the way and the DPE concurred with my assessment not to fly. We rescheduled and happily the 2nd attempted checkride was ok weather.
Hey Ryan - I feel your pain. I completed my check ride on April 12th, but failed the run on landing (helicopter). My last two re-test dates failed to happen due to inclement weather. It's always beautiful weather during those in between weeks and crappy when I need it to be nice. Tomorrow is my next scheduled re-test and I'm hopeful all will pan out (and that I'll pass this time). My two month window is almost up before I have to start all over again. NO PRESSURE!!
Relax there's nothing you can do about the weather. If it happens it happens. The weather on the morning of the test will make the decision.
Show good judgement.
If you have to reschedule at the last minute, that's perfectly fine.
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My ride day, the crosswinds kicked up beyond my comfort level and I asked to postpone the flight portion a day or two. We did the oral and the practical a few days later.
It's an opportunity to show good judgment. Start the test, go through all the ground portion, and at the end when the examiner asks if you'd make the flight or not, say "no" and explain why not. The test can then be discontinued until a day when the weather is better, and you'll then have to do only the flight portion.
Thanks everyone, Im hoping the wx holds up, if not I will most likely postpone
Try to schedule an early appointment so you'll be done flying by lunchtime. The likelihood of thunderstorms increase as the day goes on.
I had weather issues on my check ride day. We did the oral first thing in the morning and both decided to postpone the flying portion until the afternoon. The weather wasn't much better in the afternoon but we were able to fly. We did the entire check ride within 5 miles of the airport. We only went that far because it was the first check point on my cross country flight plan. I think the weather was a bit of an advantage. It helped me decompress a bit after the oral and limited my time in the air. I get motion sickness and after doing all of the required maneuvers in one flight there is a good chance I will be reaching for one of the little blue bags!
The probability that is will rain is 50%. It will either rain or it won't. If it does, you fly another day.
Hey Ryan, I was stressing over the 30% rain probability screwing up my check ride retest today - but I was lucky and rainless skies prevailed. I was able to complete my retest in less than 20 minutes - those weeks of pain and anguish disappeared in a flash when my DPE said "now that was textbook perfect!" I'm happy to report that I'm officially a licensed helicopter pilot!! By far the most awesome experience I've had since I started this journey ten months ago. Yeehaaa! Hang in there and git her done!! If I can do it - ANYONE CAN DO IT!
If the weather is marginal, do NOT go. There is a lot of pressure to get the flight over with, the same kind of pressure you may be faced to "get home" that leads you to fly into conditions you are not prepared for...If you can't make the right decision to fly/not fly in the presence of an examiner you certainly won't by yourself (that's how the DPE will see it, most likely).

Good luck :)!
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Hey Ryan, I was stressing over the 30% rain probability screwing up my check ride retest today - but I was lucky and rainless skies prevailed. I was able to complete my retest in less than 20 minutes - those weeks of pain and anguish disappeared in a flash when my DPE said "now that was textbook perfect!" I'm happy to report that I'm officially a licensed helicopter pilot!! By far the most awesome experience I've had since I started this journey ten months ago. Yeehaaa! Hang in there and git her done!! If I can do it - ANYONE CAN DO IT!

Yeah, nice work!