Charlotte to Southeast FLA (KLNA)


Touchdown! Greaser!
Mar 10, 2013
Oakland, CA
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Bro do you even lift
Alright, my turn to ask 'route advice', hopefully some folks who have done this before will chime in.

A half-way stop in the Fernandina Beach\Jacksonville area puts my route pretty much over or close to the coast the whole way, which is pretty cool. Figuring I'd most likely have to make one stop, anyone have any recommendations near Jacksonville? Hidden gems, cheap gas, cute chicks at the FBO......

Also, what kind of madness should I expect in the Daytona\Orlando\TTS Triangle?

I'm based out of KHEG in JAX - pretty much the cheapest fuel around JAX - but check NOTAMS as they are adding LED lights and still have runway closures.

28J - Palatka - cheap fuel - not much more out there.

KFIN - Flagler County - a few more minutes south but this keeps you on the coast. They have a great restaurant on the field- and good fuel prices.

KSGJ - good food / good prices but I'd go to Flagler myself.

I fly that route alot - should be a good uneventful flight!

Orlando gets busy but if you are IFR or even Flight Following there's never really any issues - but sometimes they may pull you on the east side (where you will be anyways) and take you to MLB VOR but never an issue...
I pretty much did this few weeks ago. Don't remember all the identifiers but basically I left Beaufort nc on direct route for leesburg fl. They then vectored me to a pt about 30 mi east of charleston and then to basically Daytona. Actually ormand then pretty much direct leesburg. Don't think I was over 80 to 100 mi out over water. Thinking I was at 16000 ft. Was a very nice flight with nice views of Atlantic coast when I could see it. Coming into Orlando area from the northeast was much better than from the northwest. From the northwest they seem to keep you up high much longer. As far as gas palatka fl has some of the most reasonable and lake George is fun to flyover. Very pretty. I find Orlando not very hard to fly around in area.
Flagler beach,good fuel price good restaurant. Saint Augustine,has self serve fuel,under the tower good price,restuanant is only fair. I have always preferred Flagler.Daytona airspace is an easy transition if you pay attentio to the controllers.
thanks! "highjackers", that's pretty funny!
Fly V3 out of KFHB...(which is approximately just under your flight path...) it will keep you out of trouble...
I fly out of Rowan County KRUQ just north of you... I'm planning on making a similar trek next year to Tampa... I'll be interested to hear how things went... Are you IFR or VFR?
I fly out of Rowan County KRUQ just north of you... I'm planning on making a similar trek next year to Tampa... I'll be interested to hear how things went... Are you IFR or VFR?

If VFR get flight following to help you with all the airspace going that way,weather usually a little better along the coast,as opposed to inland.
I fly out of KLNA. Gets busy at times with trainers, especially helicopters. All runways are active so CTAF can be more help than AWOS as some folks are doing whatever they feel like it. I've been inbound and heard calls on final for 15 and 33 minutes apart. I generally call the FBO on my way in just to see what ridiculousness is going on if it sounds too weird. Rotary has right traffic FYI.

As mentioned, the earlier the better. It seems just offshore has been better recently. If weather is to the west, it's often ok offshore, just watch Canaveral. Expect thunderstorms about every day by 4pm or so.

KPBI space is close so keep an eye out to the north. Considering your route, they may take you right over the airport which works out well. Rarely have a problem with VFR FF with them.

Looking forward to hearing about your trip as I'm headed from here to Mooresville soon.
I instructed in FL. Definitely use flight following. Depending on what time you are in FL you will probably have sea breeze storms from the Atlantic moving west and Gulf storms moving east. You can generally fly between the cells but ATC is a big help on this one. Central FL is no problem. Just do what they tell you. Have a great flight.;)
And while you are tracking down the east coast of FL why not give KTTS a shout and ask for a low pass over the former Space Shuttle runway. :thumbsup:
I fly out of KORL and if you're along the coast you shouldn't have to much to deal with from Daytona or Orlando unless you're high enough to be in the class B. Daytona you can either completely overfly (Class C) or go along the beach at 1000' (after getting permission from Daytona approach, of course). It's a pretty view but there is a fair amount of traffic doing it so keep your eyes peeled.

At Titusville, (next to KTTS, the shuttle strip), stay on the west side of the river and watch for traffic from KTIX. They do a lot of helicopter training. But if you're up at say 4-6K feet you'll be fine.

And while you are tracking down the east coast of FL why not give KTTS a shout and ask for a low pass over the former Space Shuttle runway. :thumbsup:

I mean, can I do that, for real?
I flew into KLNA twice this weekend. Lots of flight training going on there so be on the lookout for airplanes and listen to the radios. (Nothing you don't already do.)

If you can avoid getting gas there I would. It is about $2 per gallon more expensive than fields 30 miles away.

Other than that FF works well and as the others said afternoon storms are the norm.

Have a good flight and let us know how it all goes!
TIX treated us nice and the fuel is pretty well priced. So did JAX (but the fuel is horrendously expensive there).