
Sam D

Pattern Altitude
PoA Supporter
Feb 27, 2006
Petaluma, CA
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Sam D
I'm sure this has been covered here before; but since most of the instigators can be found here, I wanted to say you folks put on a top notch production! I just got done with the podcast on icing and it was terrific.

Rick is a fantastic host. He keeps things moving and well paced and doesn't shy away from potentially controversial topics. For instance, I really appreciated the exchange between him and Ron about their differing views on icing during training. There is a refreshing amount of respect between all the participants.

Ron and Bruce are great with their sage wisdom. It would be really easy for these two to be either jaded or 'above' discussing things like the merits of teaching full flaps on landing. Yet they attack each topic with the enthusiasm of first year CFIs combined with a big, full bag of experience.

Tony brings a unique perspective based on his background in gliders (and a great sense of humor when he lets it out!). I really appreciated his (and Kate's) thirst to learn more.

The new voices are great, too. (Listening to the intro's thinking "Greg Brockleman? Cool.)

Scott got enough props from all the other CFIs, but still his deep knowledge of the subject matter was very well presented.

So thanks to whichever combination of Mike, Kent and Dan (and did I hear Will?) puts these together. It's a treasure. Now, since this was CFIcast #14 and the last one was #7, I'm wondering when the "lost tapes" will be found.;) Keep up the great work!

we forced mike to put #14 out quickly as the subject matter was important during this time of the year. 8-13 should be hitting the shelves soon. I recommend a constant barage of email and PM's to mike to make it happen :)

and thanks for the kind words. I find it enjoyable that my glider background is always mentioned on the show when most of my insights are not from the glider world, and in fact, a large minority (oxymoron?) of my instruction time is in gliders. more excellent shows are in the pipe, keep listening.
I think we all enjoy doing them. The pay's not so great.... :). Ask Mike about that.....
Thanks Sam!

We have a diverse group of people with a variety of backgrounds, so it's always interesting to participate and learn more from everyone.
I love 'em to, and made a donation. You mean that Mike didn't give you your cut? Typical Chicagoan! :)
I'm sure this has been covered here before; but since most of the instigators can be found here, I wanted to say you folks put on a top notch production!

Thanks Sam! :yes: We sure try... Look for Pilotcast 62 and CFICast 9 at least to be out by Monday. Blame Mike if they're not. :yes:

So thanks to whichever combination of Mike, Kent and Dan (and did I hear Will?) puts these together. It's a treasure.

Mike does most of the audio work and is the recording engineer on the CFIcast (he CAN be quiet! ;)), and most of the other geek stuff. Dan does a lot of the video. I do most of the flying. :D :rofl: I've also done some videos (the glider and skiplane ones are my best so far), more to come. Will has just started helping us with audio production, and Ron on show notes. I agree, Rick is an excellent host too!
I love 'em to, and made a donation. You mean that Mike didn't give you your cut? Typical Chicagoan! :)

Good idea. I hadn't seen that before. But I think the folks are shooting too low with the 'giving levels'. They need levels like: for $100,000, I can reserve a position for The Jet.
Agreed, it's a great show and I was glad when I started seeing that blue light next to the Pilotcast show up in my iTunes again.