Cessna 172 magneto inspection


Touchdown! Greaser!
May 20, 2009
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Right Seater
Several months ago I received a Service Advisory, or an AD or some other official correspondence (I don't remember exactly what it was), but it said I needed to have the magneto/connections checked on the next oil change and on subsequent inspections. I can't find that letter anywhere and I am going to put my plane in for some minor repairs and an oil change this week.

Does anyone have any info on this?
Need more info, model of 172 type of engine, magetos installed etc.
Several months ago I received a Service Advisory, or an AD or some other official correspondence (I don't remember exactly what it was), but it said I needed to have the magneto/connections checked on the next oil change and on subsequent inspections. I can't find that letter anywhere and I am going to put my plane in for some minor repairs and an oil change this week.

Does anyone have any info on this?

Cessna SEB11-3 applies to those engines having the dual Bendix magneto. 172N, 177B, 177RG, 182R/T182, R182/TR182, and some French-built models. The nag might have the wrong hold-down clamps installed and the mag might slip out of time. I'd scan and post it if I though I wasn't breaking copyright.

Is yours one of the above models?

Wonderd about that one, we've actually had issues with it too. But not knowing the plane didn't want to say
Cessna SEB11-3 applies to those engines having the dual Bendix magneto. 172N, 177B, 177RG, 182R/T182, R182/TR182, and some French-built models. The nag might have the wrong hold-down clamps installed and the mag might slip out of time. I'd scan and post it if I though I wasn't breaking copyright.

Is yours one of the above models?


That sounds like it. I have a 172n with an 0-360-A4A
You do not have the Dual mag mentioned in the above SEB, nor the OEM engine
I don't know of any recent ADs on any magnetos. I wonder if you're thinking of the two Slick SBs, both from 2008 and both revised in 2010? SB2-08A was to replace defective points cams and SB3-08A was for bent coil tabs that caused unusual distributor carbon brush wear. Do you have Slick mags?

Find the letter, read it, and act accordingly... too hard? tell your Mechanic. That's why you pay them, figure this sh-- out.
Find the letter, read it, and act accordingly... too hard?
Well, after failing to find the original letter I searched the internet, but failed there too.

tell your Mechanic. That's why you pay them, figure this sh-- out.
He is retrieving my plane from the hangar today. This item is on the list of things I have asked him to check.

But I just thought I would try to find the letter before he goes to work on it. I am sorry I bothered you with my stupid, lazy question.
Well, after failing to find the original letter I searched the internet, but failed there too.

He is retrieving my plane from the hangar today. This item is on the list of things I have asked him to check.

But I just thought I would try to find the letter before he goes to work on it. I am sorry I bothered you with my stupid, lazy question.

I am sorry for coming across as flippant, but I see way too many owners ignoring important notices from the aircraft manufacturer and the FAA.

The FAA has set up the part 39 AD program to advise owners first of any safety items yet many owners ignore the programs notices.