Cellulose fiber in food?


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Oct 24, 2007
Fontana, CA
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Fox McCloud
I have a silly habit of reading ingredients on most foods I eat. I've noticed "cellulose fiber" in certain foods that traditionally have lots of flour and of course carbs. More specifically, I see it in low calorie (25-33% less kCal) or lower carb breads.

It sounds like cellulose fiber can mean anything from they milled old corn stalks to mixing in saw dust to literally feeding us a cardboard box. They never specify where it came from.

Anyone knows what the typical source of cellulose fiber is?
While not opposed to consuming inedible plants, is there a downside to this concept? (i.e. if it was actually sawdust from milling oak)
Essentially "paper dust" is a common anti caking agent for shredded cheese
It's pretty low calorie, and it is fiber, so don't knock it!