Cellphoine hell!!!


Taxi to Parking
Jul 19, 2005
Variable, but somewhere on earth
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A dentist in Chicago is in need of a dental assistant. In his ad he listed my phone number by mistake. Turns out our two phone numbers are pretty close. My last four are 1785 and his is 1875, he fat fingered mine into the listing instead of his.

So all day today I have been getting calls. I finally found the ad and sent a note to the web site that has it posted, I called his office, sent him a fax and emailed him of the mistake. I can only hope he updates the ad soon!!!
Time for the $99 unlimited plan, Dr. Scott.
Send the dentist a bill covering $5.00 for each call.
Just tell the caller the dentist is unavailable due to an incident with a patient that is now in the hospital. :eek::rofl:
Take some random information and then tell them it's a $20 processing charge. Then give the info to the dentist not as illegal.
Better a dentist making the mistake as opposed to a sex shop. You could have some interesting conversations.
Got it all straightened out. The office called and offered me a free cleaning to make up for it!
Should have held out for a free crown!:rofl: I just found out that what I thought was a large filling that came out was actually a broken tooth. So I just had a temporary crown put on this afternoon!:mad:
Should have held out for a free crown!:rofl: I just found out that what I thought was a large filling that came out was actually a broken tooth. So I just had a temporary crown put on this afternoon!:mad:
Got my permanent the day the calls started!! How does that piece of gum feel?
Should have held out for a free crown!:rofl: I just found out that what I thought was a large filling that came out was actually a broken tooth. So I just had a temporary crown put on this afternoon!:mad:


What a great start to a weekend...