Cell phone-net-nanny cam?


Taxi to Parking
Gone West
Feb 26, 2005
Ft Lauderdale FL
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Ok, I want to get my mom some piece of mind independence from my dad. I'm going to upgrade my T-Mo My Touch 4G to either the Galaxy SIII (in the lead) and the, I forget the name, Touch III or something, *Note 2 edit.. same screen But 5.5", kinda big... I have a tablet for that.

So anyway, I'm thinking of giving my phone to mom on a pay as you go and seeing about getting a low cost wireless at the house for it and my iPad at their place. There's a set of cables that run in front of their building on a peninsula that knocks out all cell to their place.:(

So, does anyone have a recommendation on an app they can recommend for the iPadII that sets it up so it can be set on wifi to be a Nanny Cam device monitor-able by an Android device?
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I don't get it. You can get a descent, purpose built Wifi cam for under $100 and it will do a much better job. You monitor through a browser, typically.
I don't get it. You can get a descent, purpose built Wifi cam for under $100 and it will do a much better job. You monitor through a browser, typically.

No, you don't understand, I need the box to function as a communication center as well. This is actually something an iPad could do very well because what good does a webcam do without any supporting hardware to the modem? The iPad provides the whole package to play games on, communicate in multimedia and support a standby nanny cam mode. I have to do this on the bare minimum of device infrastructure with minimal support.
I guess I still don't get it. They have a built in web server. Just setup a VPN or something on the router, so you can get to it.
I guess I still don't get it. They have a built in web server. Just setup a VPN or something on the router, so you can get to it.

This isn't for me, this is for my mom to be able to monitor from a phone or call on Skype so she doesn't have to be a shut in with him. He's fine, he's nowhere near as mentally bad off as she makes him out, but you have to understand, this woman survived the war as a child through the bombings and great loss of everything, most importantly a father that doted on her. She is a worrier by nature and she's really cautious when it comes to my dad lol.

The problem is he has some issues with the short term to action circuit and mid term, but as far a cognizant though he's as sharp as he ever has been. It's just that he'll ask what time it is and rehash what about to happen like it hasn't been discussed several times in the last 10 minutes, but when he has a motor thought to act on, no worry. She's afraid he'll forget to eat or drink in the 2 hrs she has to go out and believes in that time he will wander off like a lost child and be eaten by the cannibals in the surrounding neighborhood so he has to get shlepped along on shopping excursions rather than her getting a break from being 24/7 for the last 720+ which included a fall on ice that caused some brain injury.

My mother has never had a cell phone, my mother has never sent an email or used a computer on the internet.
I doubt there would be the app as you describe, apple approvals, battery life etc etc. Your best bet is Skype. Fire it up before she heads out the door. Get some sort of powered dock.
We went through that with my grandmother. She started leaving stuff in the oven or on the stove and forgetting them, so it was a safety issue. I still thing a standard webcam, and access it with a phone browser. It is simple and it works. Either just punch a hole for it in the firewall (NAT the address) or use VPN. It should not need a special client, just hit a URL.
We went through that with my grandmother. She started leaving stuff in the oven or on the stove and forgetting them, so it was a safety issue. I still thing a standard webcam, and access it with a phone browser. It is simple and it works. Either just punch a hole for it in the firewall (NAT the address) or use VPN. It should not need a special client, just hit a URL.
I've fallen asleep with pizzas in the oven more than once. The end result is generally just a less than pleasant tasting pizza and a significant amount of smoke.
I understand what you are trying to do for her. I don't understand the technology but I do get the point. Is your father possibly eligible for hospice? If so, a volunteer could come and be with him to give her respite. Or maybe someone from their church, if they are churchy. I understand also that your mom might not trust strangers in her house.
Good luck to you
I've fallen asleep with pizzas in the oven more than once. The end result is generally just a less than pleasant tasting pizza and a significant amount of smoke.

They make alarms for that!
Henning, they need a retirement living center, where you are independent but there are ala carte services. As in, when my mom steps out, if dad makes a pot of noodles and forgets the pot, the overhead IR sensor alerts at the front desk and help appears.

One of the staffers from the alzheimer's unit comes in two 4 hours blocks per week on the "side" so mom can get out....etc etc etc.

But it IS a big transition.
Read the description to Karen and she agrees. She works with a number of patients in "home care" and the release of worry so the healthier loved one can simply love their spouse, instead of having to worry about them hurting themselves, where they can summon professional helped needed, is a recurring theme.

In her case, "home" is an assisted living facility, but not a skilled nursing facility. The buildings are often dual-use or more. Some of her employer's facilities run the gamut from apartment-style senior living with almost no interaction with medical staff (where her "home" health services are at for short term things, prescribed by a doc) to locked Alzheimer's units with patient tracking.

She says its a hard decision to make, but she hasn't run into a patient or couple who said they made it too soon, yet.
Henning, they need a retirement living center, where you are independent but there are ala carte services. As in, when my mom steps out, if dad makes a pot of noodles and forgets the pot, the overhead IR sensor alerts at the front desk and help appears.

One of the staffers from the alzheimer's unit comes in two 4 hours blocks per week on the "side" so mom can get out....etc etc etc.

But it IS a big transition.

They're already there. Either the Alzheimer's meds the give him are miraculous, or he doesn't have it.