Captain Kangaroo...

Delta or Delta Connection? Either way he's a jet jockey and the wrong person to be instructing you if you have no jet intentions.

Well I like him. He does a very good job recognizing how my mind works, and explaining what I am doing wrong in a way that quickly gets me through it.

For example, when doing the cross wind landings, the first time I applied the wrong rudder.

A student could do that for many reasons. I did it because what was running through my head, was me thinking about the wind heading over the plane, hitting the rudder, and then using my feet to move the rudder, and all the flight dynamics that happen when you do such at thing. How in moving the tail to the right causes the plane to pivot around it's axis, and move the nose left (my mind had tail right, so with everything else going on at the time, I hit the right rudder).

He said "stop over thinking it. Look at the nose of the plane, and move it where you want it to go".

He knew what was running through my mind, and the right words to help me correct it.

This is a general human skill outside of aviation that you either have, or you don't. I like that he has it, so being he is not teaching me anything unsafe, I will stick with him :)

Oh, and I should be on track to take my check ride at around 40 hours, so he is doing something right. :goofy:

P.S. No clue which one he worked at.